
Cool picture.


I hate being sick. It's the worst feeling in the world. It doesn't even matter the degree of illness I have. The sniffles are enough to make me want to hide under the covers and ask for my mommy. I have the beginnings of a cold. I don't understand why it won't just become a fully blown out cold. I hate these mild symptoms. The dry mouth, the sniffles, the sneezing, the weak cough and the worst of all the nose burning. I feel like I've been snorting Pixie Sticks all morning. Just give me the real thing already. I want the full blown out I feel like I am going to die cold! The sooner it comes, the sooner it's gone! The only pleasant outcome of all of this is that I can get doped up on Tylenol PM Cold medicine and I get the best sleep ever! Woo Hoo!

Other things I've done lately. I saw Closer with Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Natalie Portman and Clive Owen. It was damned good. Though I think I have to watch it a couple times just to see if I actually got it. I was amazed that I would like it. I thought the plot line was cool and and I wanted to see it, but I detest Julia Roberts. Luckily her mouth wasn't as big in this movie and she wasn't annoying. Either that or I was too busy paying attention to Clive Owen. It turns out that it's also a play, which I plan on either buying or checking out from the library. I bet the written version is even better!

I am freaking out about applying to fieldschools and what not. What if I don't get in? What if I can't afford it? What if I don't like archaeology? All my life I've been wanting to do this, what if I try it and don't like it? Then what am I going to do with a truly worthless Anthropology degree! An anthropology degree is different from any other degree. I don't pick up job-related skills along the way other than the fact that I know people. To tell you the truth though I don't. I can tell you things about being a person...what defines you as a person perhaps try to come up with phylogenetic tree, talk a bit about monkeys. Other than that all I have are receptionist skills, and I don't want the nifty title of "Administrative Assistant." If the rest of my life is going to involve doing something similiar to what I do now...I hope I die tomorrow. But I know I'll end up doing that for a while, there's no way I can go straight into Grad School after I graduate. I don't want to amass any more debt. I need to make money for a while and it's going to be so hard to make money. By the end of next year, if it just so happens that I don't have to take out any additional loans, I will have amassed a whopping $33,000 of debt! That's barely enough to cover one year of NYU! And that's the cost of going to Rutgers for two years. I guess that means I got two years free....or half off? Woo! I got a deal! Sike!

I was going to write a lot of other stuff, but I completely forgot, work got in the way. Work always gets in the way!

I guess I'll just think of things over the weekend...as they come to me. Prepare for some reading people! You will be quizzed by the way.