
Feels like Sunday.

I said I wasn't going to pay attention to this football game...and here I am, listening to this football game. I really really need to stop. Cause I'll get a little TOO into it! Oh man and this interception, just pulled me even further into the game.

Highlights of Conversation today:

me: i say go dallas
ruthy: haha
me: i mean best team ever right?
ruthy: hahaha
me: they're america's team and america's the best place ever
me: and that means they are the best team ever
me: look, i only like the giants because i'm a fan of mediocrity
me: i can't appreciate greatness
ruthy: I root for the home team
me: exactly
me: that's why you're a jets fan
me: ha ha ha ha
ruthy: lol
me: look everyone's home is texas
me: texas is the heart of america
me: when you think of america you should think of texas
me: it's as american as like hamburgers and tacos
me: don't believe the hype that dallas is a mediocre team with a massive marketing engine

Sarcasm was of course the name of the game here people!

I'm an Eagles fan folks, twice a year, the two times they play the Cowboys and today, I'm sure all the hardcore Eagles fans were super ecstatic!! Thanks Eagles, for making this a fantastic Sunday Afternoon! Now, I hope you suck the rest of the post-season! Hee! Hee!


Weird Nighttime Cinema....a Series

I have weird dreams....and luckily, they are so weird that I remember them. Lucky for you that is!!! Because I will recount it for you here! Grab something to eat...something small, maybe just stick a piece of gum in your mouth...it won't be a long tale to tell.

My dream begins with me in bed at my old house. My bedroom is not the orange color it once was, rather all the colors are more subdued and the room is larger than it was. So large, that the bed I'm laying in is king size and there's still room left in the room. In said large bed Andrew, Abe and I because apparently, I had a slumber party or something. At one point, Andrew leaves the bedroom and when he does so, he sees Abe give me a hug or something, something completely innocent. He gets mad at me and when Abe leaves tells me that he's upset because Abe wasn't even wearing a glove. Andrew leaves, but not before telling my mother about what happened. She comes into my room and continues to nag me about how it's not right what I did. I can't have two boys giving me hugs without gloves on. She goes on and on about it, and all I vividly remember, is that I just wanted her to shut up so I could go back to sleep. I remember telling her that it was just a hug, who cares if he was wearing a glove or not. Her nagging was in both English and Greek. Irritating.


Noteworthy Links

These are articles I either encourage people to read...or want to read later on today! So don't stay a while please mosey on over:

Gay Marriage: Our Mutual Joy and if you'd like to embark on the feedback .

Linux Stop Holding Back Our Kids

I'll be adding to this as the week goes on!


Not Everything You Read On The Internet is True....

Domokun got NOTHING on my Charsi....but then again...she is a blacksmithing barbarian!



I haven't blogged in for forever. I'm not sure if I have anything to say. Or if I've even had a chance to sit in my thoughts and write them out. I'll do that soon. I'm trying to figure stuff out, but I feel like I've been stagnant. I need to change the way I am. 2009 will surely be different.