
50Cent is hilarious:

"Hell, no! Are you kidding me? That's like Amsterdam. Amsterdam is fun for some people, but I don't want no [bleep] that costs $50. There's too many people that got $50!"


Either my doctor is incompetent or I'm dying. Ok, so maybe it's not that extreme. Maybe I'm just a lot sicker than we all thought and the first round of antibiotics didn't work. I feel miserable though. I just want to go home and lay in bed with a heating pad on my back and the covers pulled up to my face and my bebee next to me...cause cuddles are the best medicine!



It's the color of the Blogspot B, the color of the RSS feed icon, the color of the fox in firefox and was also the color of my old bedroom. I fell in love with bright orange years ago but the love soon died when it was the first color I saw everyday for the last 2 years. Being surrounded in a cocoon of orange makes never lets you relax. No wonder why it's the color for high alert! I always felt like I was on high alert. Now I'm surrounded in a room of antique white, a beige comforter and completely blank walls. While the emptiness is somewhat comforting, it can a little disheartening and empty. Now I find myself missing a bit of the stress from the orange...

That was so emo!


I'm a silly goose!


Just a random thought on gay marriage. I believe in the secular country that we are supposed to be, this should have been an open shut case years ago. Marriage in this country is viewed as a legal contract and with being married individuals are granted particular rights and recognitions that non-married individuals are not able to enjoy. A personal religious belief stating that marriage is some holy sanctified union created by God and only between a man and a woman, should hold no bearing on the law of the land.


Today Just Gets Funnier

Who would have thought reading the weather channel would result in something funny? Normally I hate reading user comments but this...this was truly a gold mine:

Man-made global warming is a fabricated lie. The people who promote it are evil. Why don’t we imprison them?
Posted by Nancy in Austin | July 23, 2008

Really? Seriously? Honestly? I suppose they should get the death penalty too.

Does everything being bigger in Texas include the morons? Is their level of stupidity greater than that of say citizens in California or New Mexico? I'm starting to think Mexico just didn't want to fight for Texas for reasons that are becoming clearer and clearer as the days go by.

Oh and I think we'll go after the Global Warming people AFTER we get them Evolution promoting bastards!

Google Alerts.

This is funny to read:javascript:void(0)
Publish Post

I have an alert on Google for neanderthals as well as various other things, and this is what came up today.

I don't know what's funnier, lines like this:

No. No war. We would have only relocated them for their own good to some unwanted, God-forsaken piece of land that no-one wants, anyhow.


they probably made love not war, and thats why we're really

Another contender only for the fact that human evolution is referred to as a "fun underdog story"
Frankly, in a war like this, it seems most likely that the Neanderthals would win seeing as the are larger, more robust, have larger brains, and better technology. Yet somehow Homo sapiens won. A fun underdog story.

and finally:

Through whatever circumstances humans won out in this arrangement leaving Neanderthals and all the other various species in the genus homo (there were several) to gradually become extinct.

You know, because all the other homo species were contemporary to AMH as well!


I'm proud of myself, I made rice and beans and they came out half way decent. I'm so happy that my rice comes out delicious!! Laugh, but I think rice is difficult to make. I simply love cooking, had I realized my fascination in the culinary arts sooner, I might not have gone to a regular university and most certainly a culinary institute. (Although I wonder how I'd feel about cooking when it was my source of income. I'm sure mechanics don't really like their job, even thought hey may love cars.) Though I feel as if my cooking isn't as diversified as I'd like it to be. Nor am I anywhere near my mother's skill...but I'm sure if I cooked enough, I'd get there. And maybe I'd even be able to make more diversified foods, like mix in some of the things Ruthy's introduced me too, with some of my more traditional flavors.

My bebee loves me!

Αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο ένιωσα κατι που πιθανώς δεν θέλω ποτέ να αισθανθώ. Ήταν κάτι που είναι πολύ κοινό για "ανάποδες" κοπέλες σαν εμένα...και ξέρω ό,τι εάν το ακολούθησα, θα ήταν καταστροφή. . . .Άλλα, και στην πραγματικότητα, νομίζω και ξέρω ό,τι την αναζήτηση ενός τέτοιου εφήμερου συναισθήματος είναι λίγο ανησυχητικό...

A Case of the Mondays

I do not feel like being at work at all today. I don't even feel like going to class. I don't even feel like eating the pathetic excuse of food I brought for lunch. But here I am at work, and I'll most likely go to class and I'll eat the food I brought, even though I don't want it. Maybe I'll be motivated within the next 20 minutes to get my lazy ass up to walk to the student center to get a salad from Gerlanda's. Or maybe not, but a nice big coffee will be very delicious and welcomed...or maybe some hot chocolate! YUM!


I took a test and now i know everything about me.

I took a test on facebook and now i totally know who I am....here are my so called strengths and weaknesses:
ENFP Strengths

● Good communication skills

● Very perceptive about people's thought and motives

● Motivational, inspirational; bring out the best in others

● Warmly affectionate and affirming

● Fun to be with - lively sense of humor, dramatic, energetic, optimistic

● Strive for "win-win" situations

● Driven to meet other's needs

● Usually loyal and dedicated

ENFP Weaknesses

● Tendency to be smothering

● Their enthusiasm may lead them to be unrealistic

● Uninterested in dealing with "mundane" matters such as cleaning, paying bills, etc.

● Hold onto bad relationships long after they've turned bad

● Extreme dislike of conflict

● Extreme dislike of criticism

● Don't pay attention to their own needs

● Constant quest for the perfect relationship may make them change relationships frequently

● May become bored easily

● Have difficulty scolding or punishing others

I feel like I mostly have the negative and none of the positive! Ha! Maybe I am hard on myself...or I think that all these tests are so generalized and full of bullshit that none of it is true! :)


Silly Hat

You ever have one of those moments where you realize you're never going to accomplish all the things you hoped you would and then you start flipping out because it seems like what you need to do is like climbing two Everests? That makes you get a knot in your chest and you feel like a complete and utter failure. Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel right now.


It's the Little Things

that just about make my day. This is one of those things.

[16:59] Ruthy:
nope, no she's not
[16:59] Ruthy: fucking liar
[17:01] Ruthy: out
[17:01] Ruthy: ttyl



I've been getting migraines for as long as I can remember. So much easier to deal with when I was a kid. Sure it was excruciating pain, but I wasn't at work! I'd be at home, wrapped in a blanket to keep the light out, my head soaked in some Greek cologne that my grandfather (and I'm sure all old men) wears, with either my mother, my grandmother or any other Greek woman who was present at my side...deflecting the evil eye. Now at 24, I'm at work wondering how I did not bring any of the three bottles of aspirin with me to work and wondering how I'm going to make it till 8:00pm when it feels like my brain is going to seep through my ears and my stomach is going to join in on the revolution. Luckily, Jill had aspirin. Crisis averted!

Whilst perusing the internet at work, I noticed something that would weird me out if I ever became famous. A girl left a comment on a lead singer's myspace page which is all fine and dandy. The freaky part though, she made her name, include his last name and no something common like Smith! And perhaps I'm reading it wrong, the chance does exist that they could indeed have the same last name. For all intensive purposes though, I'll stick with my assumption that they do not and how much that would creep me the fuck out. Fine write Francesca Nakalicious in your diary, on your book covers pretty much anywhere where I can't see it. It would weird me out though to see it in the form of a social website display name and then have you leave me a comment on my page.

And taking this probably in a direction I shouldn't ever have gone but it makes me wonder if all of this social website stuff is demeaning the value of the word "friend." What suddenly constitutes as a friend? If suddenly everyone is now grouped into this one category regardless of degree of relation or acquaintance how does it change the way we interact? Are we becoming too friendly with one another? Are we sharing secrets and acting more casually than we should towards people who for the most part are complete strangers? In doing so, does that make us less polite?

I'll get back to this later and make it more coherent later at home.


Motherfucking Canadia!

I'm a little too excited for Canada. If I weren't as sleepy as I am right now, I'd be bouncing off the walls, but I guess not doing my work and writing a blog about my excitement is almost the same thing...I guess. I'm more excited than a kid in a candy store...a kid in a candy store on Christmas Eve. Why? I'm not entirely sure. It's not some crazy exotic place, it's Canada, America's hat. But I just can't wait to go!!


June Bugs

Καλό Μήνα!

It's been a while since I've posted and I believe a while ago, I promised a review of Ludo live, and a bunch of other stuff, so let me recap what's gone on in the month of June now that it's over!

Spanish Class
With June ending, Spanish I comes to a close my friends! In those four little weeks, I subjected myself to an extra two hours a day of being out of the house and additional time doing homework to learn a language that I'll most likely mix up with the other three that I know :). It was a lot of fun though, it reminded me that I like school, but I also learned that full time work + part time class = the pits! So miserable! I work work work, and then I have to go to class and learn, go home study, sleep and repeat. Granted it could be a far more miserable existence that I lead, but it was rough. I pulled through though and got an A in the class! With July beginning I'll begin Spanish II and we'll see how much I've retained in my week off :).

Fun Time!
I've had tons of it in June. I kicked off the month at RU Gardens with RuthyRebecca and The Drew. I got a bamboo staff, well realistically a piece of bamboo that will sit in my house till I decide to turn it into a staff! That was a lot of fun, I like doing outdoorsish things, so walking around there and hiking was an excellent starter to that sort of stuff!

The first weekend in June, I spent it with RuthyRebecca, Erica and the Drew. On the 6th we saw Ludo live at the Stone Pony. It was a great show! The funny thing about this show is that they were all hanging out maybe 5 feet away from where we were in the bar outside and I kept talking about I should just go up to them right? But I never did, because I'm a shy lil girl and I'd get all star struck and act like a retard. I didn't particularly care for Spill Canvas, nor do I think that they should've been the headliner, but that's just my opinion.

Ludo's performance definitely ranks on my top live performances list. Their sound was great, they had tons of energy, my only complaint was that it was such a short set! Afterwards we went to buy some merchandise. (RuthyRebecca and I will only buy merchandise if we really really really like a band) And we took a picture with Andrew Volpe, the lead singer got a CD and a tshirt signed. I probably look like a complete douche cause I was a lil tipsy. Which in retrospect I probably seemed like a complete tool, but that's not so different from any other day! We left a little into Spill Canvas' set. Took a couple pictures by their van for god knows what reason. Noticed Tim Ferrell, the guitarist outside and after debating whether or not it'd be rude to interrupt his phone call conversation, I put on my best polite little girl voice and Ruthy Rebecca and I went up to him and asked him to sign our goods while Erica and the Drew sat in the car awaiting our return! (I still think it was rude to interrupt him, but after Ruthy Rebecca messaged Ozzie he assured me it wasn't -- and he's a rocker!) Dropped Ruthy Rebecca back at her place, went to the Reo with Erica and Drew where we sat for hours feasting on a various assortment of comestibles and bullshitting the night away!!

That Saturday I also went to Ruthy's family reunion. And what a family reunion it was. This was the reunion to end all reunions! I originally thought it was going to be around the same number of people that were there for her graduation, if not a few more. At most 50 people. I was dead freakin' wrong. There were at least 200 people at the Cacheeries family festival. Tents, live bands, a stage, traditional Peruvian dancers, name tags, absurd amounts of food, a banner welcoming the family, family members from various states and peru itself, families with T-Shirts and even Cacheeries family historian...who traced the family ALL THE WAY BACK to I think the 15th century...and was giving people tours and explaining relations. It was insane.

Sunday was Erica's Graduation Party Round 2. She had a party up in Maine and now back in the Dirty Jersey. I went with my fellow commrades and we rocked out...in Erica's ridiculously hot house. (Her AC decided it didn't want to work on one of the hottest days in the summer) Despite the ridiculous heat, I had a great time. Hung out with Erica and her familia, got fed delicious food, had ridiculously delicious coffee, took pictures! All around an awesome Sunday and great close to the end of the week.

The following weekend, I went to a party at Jeremiah's house. It was actually a good time. I mostly hung out with Ozzie, Abe, Ruthy Rebecca and as usual The Drew. We drank a little, avoided dancing as much as possible. Party broke up, our little group gathered at Ruthy Rebecca's. Bullshitted there and then the night culminated at the Reo.

The following weekend I went Whitewater Rafting with Maria, Jay, Andrew, Tom, Lesia, Joe, Matt and Mindy. Had an AWESOME time. Even though I got a migraine which made me stomach upset and caused me to vomit...my team however (which consisted of Maria,Jay, Andy, Joe, Peter, Paul and myself...in boat 69) were number 1! WOOT! I fell out of the boat twice too, it was great! Definitely worth doing again. Next time I'm brining Cacheeries along for the ride...and will probably pull her out of the boat when I go flying out the same way Maria did to me!

June ended with Holly coming home and our catching up with her. Along with going to see Louis CK at the state theater and buying my bridesmaid's dress for my sister's wedding. Louis CK was EXCELLENT. Hilarious, I don't think I've ever laughed for that long in my entire life. I should have rock hard abs after that show...but sadly I don't. Holly's the same, but now she's fueled with kayaking power. She showed us her Antartica album. I saw lots of snow and rocks. We watched a couple of movies, played a couple of card games, ate some delicious popcorn, did a lot of talking and chop busting. I also spent part of the weekend with Ruthy trying to figure out Montreal and all of that nonsense for next weekend as well as trying to catch Ellisif up to Paeen on WOW. This weekend also was the announcement of Diablo III. Which sparked Andrew to install Diablo II and start playing again. I'm sure when that game finally comes out, I'll surely lose him...but I'm also sure that when that game comes out...Ellisif will fall even farther behind Paeen! (Unless I hit 70 by the time that comes out, but with the expansion looming it's pretty head, I'm sure Danny will be at 80 long before I ever come close to 70!)

That was pretty much June.

Let's see what July has in store:

  • Montreal Trip this weekend!!!!
  • Possibly going to Warped Tour
  • Possibly going to the Tom's River Ice Cream Festival
  • Rock band with the Sac-ettes
  • More bs-ing and hanging out
  • Spanish Part Deux.