
Via Cory Doctorow and probably one of the best blurbs I've ever read: 

Transparency on its own is nothing more than spectacle: it's just another season of Big Brother in which all the contestants are revealed, over and over again, as thugs. Transparency on its own robs as much hope as it delivers, because transparency without justice is a perennial reminder that the game is rigged and that those in power govern for power's sake, not for justice.

Links of Note 4.29.2009










This is Just to Say

I hate being bs'ed to. I also dislike being cornered and attacked at early hours in the morning. Thems be my two cents!


Getting into a shape....that's not round.

Running in the rain is one of my favorite things. Ran in the rain yesterday and did a might good job. I'm more excited about this now than ever. I just hope I can keep up my motivation...which I think I can...if I keep looking at this picture I took of myself last night. GROSS! But I suppose facing reality is one of the best ways to commit to something. I hate the way I look and it's not that I want to look like a model. (I'm 4'10, that's never going to happen!) It's just that I'm rolly polly. I knew I was bad, but hot damn I didn't know I was THAT bad. In case you're wondering what the picture is actually for, I'm planning on taking one a day. (Actually two...one from the from and one from the side.) I'm going to do it for a year and then put together a slideshow so I can see my progress. You guys will get to see my progress too. I might actually do a monthly update just for kicks. (And to test the program that I'm planning on using)

I feel good about this bout. August-October proved to me that I had it in me. And granted I had Maria's wedding and that tight dress as added motivation, but I'm not entirely sure if I care about how awesome I look. Sure, vanity is one of my motivations, but it's not the biggest one nor does it have priority. It's just an added perk. It's just that, when I run, when I work out, I feel so powerful. Each step, each minute that passes, each star that I add to the calendar, each moment I get closer to doing one pull up....I just feel myself being that much closer to being the person I want to be.

I'm really glad I have Andrew along for the ride too. His experience as a distance swimmer helps so much not to mention his attitude and his confidence in me that I can do it. I like asking him about his swimming days and how he pushed himself through countless practices and racing a 500. His just do it attitude amazes me. He's just so good at doing something. He honestly doesn't have excuses and I hope to pick that up from him. This is going to lead to sappiness because a big part of the reason why I'm still with Andrew, why I love Andrew is because of his personality and just his outlook on things. With the exception of my sister, I've never met anyone that I wanted to be so much like until I met him. He definitely knows something I don't, but I think I'm learning it very very slowly. Ok, that was enough of that moment.

I'm excited, I think I've reached an important milestone in my outlook. Let's hope I can keep the motivation up!