
What happens when beer is only a dollar and even then you're not paying.

you get ridiculously drunk, because you haven't drank in a long time! Jesus Christ...what am I an amateur.

I apologize to the following people:

Ruthy, Carlos, Andrew, Katie, the guy she was with (i don't remember your name guy), Sam.

And I guess a thank you to Carlos for buying the liquor.

Oh, I also ran into Katie and Sam...that's pretty cool. I ran into some other people too, but I rather no have! Ha!



  • We're all wrong about the war on Iraq. There was no wrong information, and if there was it was Clinton's fault. We need to get over this because it's unfair to the men in women in uniform that are risking their lives for this country. Or so says Bush's advisor.
  • I have two term papers due when I come back from Thanksgiving break. How much research have I done? None. So when we take a look at the equation we have
    • Eleni + 2 papers + Lazyness^2 - Motivation = FUCKED Did you really expect other wise? Honestly.
  • I'm going to a morgue tomorrow to watch my teacher rip apart a human body, for my learninfg and I guess viewing pleasure. I'm both excited and mortified, exortified I guess. We have to sign a release that says we won't vomit, I can't really guarentee that won't happen, but I didn't vomit when Ruthy and I hacked apart a dead deer and that wasn't even "prepared" I think I'll be alright
  • The cats are being cats as usual. Charlie consistently licks me, Zoe runs away in fear, and it smells like poop. But what can you do? Actually it's good training for the future, I am no longer a sucker to cuteness. I know the evil that lies behind it.
  • Ruthy and I are up to our usual behavior. (Well not THIS usual behavior) Which means we're lazy, we probably aggrivate each other and then we have the best time of our lives. We're a married fuckin' couple, did you expect any different? Honestly! Actually we've been together longer than MOST married people! And we're not even staying together for the kids! Score for us! Ha! Just kidding! I think it's just our dynamic.
Nak issues.
  • Call it lack of estrogen, too much estrogen, some type of hormonal inbalance. But I've been really depressed, down on myself and generally have a totally apathy towards everything. If you've felt the reprocussions of these emotions, I'm sorry, you're just going to have to deal with it.And if not, oh well, you know where the door is!
Weekend Review
  • Friday night: Went out to dinner with Beto, Ruthy and Andrew. We went to Fridays. I got a steak! Woot! It was a good steak! Then we went to Liberty Tavern in Fords. We had a couple beers. Watched two older persons make complete fools of themselves and then Beto called it a night. He had work the next day. It was understandable. The three of us went back to the apartment. Ebony called me at some point and invited me to a party. Her offer was tempting, but I wasn't in a partying mood. I feel bad for not going. Shitty/Miguel (I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to call him anymore) came over at 11ish? I think. We watched the Stewie Griffin movie. It was funny. Ruthy, Andrew and I took turns passing out throughout the night while Shitty was awake through everything. I wonder if we all passed out at the same time....he could have had his way with us! After that we watched part of Saving Private Ryan. At some point Shitty's girlfriend called and he left to go pick her up. Andrew and I went to sleep.
  • Saturday: Ruthy went to the library at some point. I went to eat breakfast. I went to the library too. We came back together with all these books like we were going to do research. We spent the night doing nothing. Eventually we went to On The Border and ate dinner.
  • Sunday: Ruth went home. I went to Andrew's to get my DVD burner and Andrew put together most of his new box. We came back. Met up with Danny and the Vons. Played some bored games. Ruthy came back with gross amounts of groceries. We played more bored games, gave up eventually. Drank a lil and watched Grey's Anatomy. Vons and Danny left. The rest of us went to sleep at some point.


Little Kids are Funny

Look at the drama that engulfs their lives!

Just read a blog and you'll instantly know who is talking smack about who, why and what the smacktalkee has to say about it! It's wonderous!

"Asian bird flu, crocked politics, natural disasters that kill millions. None of that's important to me...I just got smack talked by some bitch!"

Thank you internet for turning this once one-sided or reverberated form of entertainment into the beautiful butterfly of immaturity that is sweetly known as blogging. Who needs tabloids when you can read about regular people's dramatics!

And thank you once more for making people even more conceited and self centered and self absorbed than ever before. After all, this MYspace!

And JLP you fuck everything up for giving a damn in your entries! Stop trying to destroy the internet!

Working on: my homework! (Ha!).