
Thank You

The last time I had a birthday party at my parent's house on a Saturday that was my birthday was the Blizzard of 93, also known as the Superstorm of 1993 and the "Storm of the Century" .  Needless to say hardly any of my friends made it to my party that year, but the pizza delivery man still managed to come with food in tow and surprisingly I had a much better time than expected.

Seventeen years later, I'm having another party at that same house, which now belongs to my sister. What happens?  Well the Northeast gets attacked by the craziest rainstorm I've seen in years.  Power went out, trees came down, two people died (or so I've heard).  My sister lost power and I was ticked off about the entire debacle.  I was ready to call off my birthday because of the rain.  But I was calmed down and managed to have one of the best parties of my life.  Friends drove from Baltimore to come see me in this weather, they came up after watching trees collapse on their property and transformers and power lines explode before their eyes, and some decided to just step outside for a couple seconds and get wet all to come hang out with me in a house that was lit only with some left over wedding candles, drink some beer that could have possibly skunked and celebrate my 26 years of life.
So a big thank you goes to my sister, who not only made me a delicious vegan cake (since I cannot eat regular cake due to my fasting) but also hosted the event and didn't let the weather get the best of anybody.  To Jay for having a billion LED keychains that helped everyone go to the bathroom and enough battery life saved on his laptop to put Lady Gaga on his cell phone and play it from there.  To Andrew who was once again a taxi and told me I looked fine in what may be one of the silliest dresses I ever bought and keeping my spirits up. To Holly for driving in this ridiculous storm from Baltimore just to come to Bitting and then take a couple shots with me at my sister's. To Ruthy & Juan for driving up from Jackson after going through complete insanity at the farm.  To Abe for braving getting wet for a couple seconds to come hang out.  To Lesia who stopped by for just a quick sec while she was trying to make a long journey home.  To Sol & Laura for stopping by and making the place full of even more Rockstars. 

Fill in the blank.

1. My ex and I talk seldom.
2. Maybe I should study for the GREs.
3. I love cheese and eggs too much and this fast has been killing me.
4. People would say that I’m whatever the hell they want to, people will always say something.
5. I don't understand quantum physics, why my cat likes to paw at water but hates to get wet and certain people.
6. When I wake up in the morning I am usually late and miserable, I hate waking up.
7. I lost my keys, my wallet, my phone, my glasses…but most likely they’re all sitting in front of my face.
8. Life is full of a series of unfortunate events! Ha ha ha!
9. My past is something I don’t really remember. I have bad long-term memory but awesome short term.
10. I get annoyed when people don’t reply to my messages, it’s irritating.
11. Parties are usually in my pants, ha ha! Just kidding
12. I wish I didn’t have to work anymore.
13. Dogs are stupid! Ahahaha!
14. Cats are probably from another planet and will soon take over the Earth.
15. Tomorrow is tiresome Tuesday, which is just a repeat of mundane Monday.
16. There's nothing worse than being caught with your pants down--literally.
17. If I had a million dollars I would buy you a house. I would buy you a house.
18. I'm totally terrified of the dark, zombies and being attacked by zombies in the dark.
19. My spouse doesn’t exist, according to the Census I have an unmarried partner.
20. My life is okie dok.


I haven't been keeping up with the double posts here.  For things you might have missed please visit http://themelonreport.tumblr.com/ if you truly are that interested.  Although I don't believe you have missed much.

Here's today's entry:

There’s nothing worse than a migraine, a head filled with too many thoughts and bad vibes.
I hate sleeping with the light of the full moon shining through my window.  It does nothing to make the heebie jeebies go away.  This coming from a girl who is afraid of the dark.  There’s just something creepy about it’s shine tonight that’s not doing anything for me.

I tend to over think things, to the point where I’ll over analyze almost every minute detail and add significance where none is warranted.  What exactly was behind that gesture? What about the two second glance? That all surely has to mean something right? Surely it must, and if it doesn’t I’ll give it a meaning and try to make everything come to the conclusion I’ve already come to as being the reality of the situation, when chances are I’m far far off.  Although, I’m usually right about these sort of things.  It’d all be made easier however if I just had all the answers. Then this would a non issue and the only thoughts I would be left with were the ones concerning the throbbing pain in my head.

Monitor glare does absolutely nothing for a migraine either.  Then again, I thought sleeping would help and all my first round of sleep did was soothe my stomach. Before passing out the first time this evening, I had the best stream of parts of a story I want to write, now it’s lost for good.  It even escaped my memory as I began drifting further and further into sleep.  Now all I am left with is the memory of having had it, along with this terrible pain over my right eye. Hopefully it’ll come back and when it does it’ll be better than ever!
I’m going to try to fall back asleep again, or at least figure out a way to make the pain in my head go away.