
Part of my new plan is to make myself more public.  Not in the sense that I'm going to open up myself to the world and unleash a slew of issues better saved for a couch and a guy who charges me per hour for such a bearing only for him to conclude that my parents messed me up eternally.  No, unless I do take up such a service. I think it'd make for excellent blogging, but let's see if I ever have the audacity to bear myself to a trained professional, when I have a hard enough time bearing myself to the people constantly around me.  That's another topic for another day.

What I meant was that I was going to start posting up some of my blurbs or stories, some more personal writing, some stuff that I'm slightly embarrassed to show to the world, because I'm afraid of being critiqued in a certain way.  But part of it is being laughed at isn't it?  Someone's always going to find someone else funny, and terrible. But maybe someone else out there will love it.  Even if it's just one little individual.

Has a lot on her mind.

5 more class till I'm done. Amazed it's so few and yet it still feels like so many. Changes to come after that, since I'll have time....to revert back to my antics


I want to paint more, craft more, write more. Part of me can't wait till this class is over, just so I can have more time.

I'm going to be dead tomorrow.


Fundamental Change 1. I got a tumblr account. No blogger, you don't have to see me go, but somethings are easier there then on here. I'll figure out a way to combine to two as soon as I can. Now I need to get some sleep. Expect long posts on anything and everything!

I love being quoted on another blog! I say some silly shit!

I have a ridiculous amount of updating to do. Expect long posts. Expect major changes.

I promise promise promise to have this all fan-fucking-tastic as soon as I finish up with this class!