
Feels like Sunday.

I said I wasn't going to pay attention to this football game...and here I am, listening to this football game. I really really need to stop. Cause I'll get a little TOO into it! Oh man and this interception, just pulled me even further into the game.

Highlights of Conversation today:

me: i say go dallas
ruthy: haha
me: i mean best team ever right?
ruthy: hahaha
me: they're america's team and america's the best place ever
me: and that means they are the best team ever
me: look, i only like the giants because i'm a fan of mediocrity
me: i can't appreciate greatness
ruthy: I root for the home team
me: exactly
me: that's why you're a jets fan
me: ha ha ha ha
ruthy: lol
me: look everyone's home is texas
me: texas is the heart of america
me: when you think of america you should think of texas
me: it's as american as like hamburgers and tacos
me: don't believe the hype that dallas is a mediocre team with a massive marketing engine

Sarcasm was of course the name of the game here people!

I'm an Eagles fan folks, twice a year, the two times they play the Cowboys and today, I'm sure all the hardcore Eagles fans were super ecstatic!! Thanks Eagles, for making this a fantastic Sunday Afternoon! Now, I hope you suck the rest of the post-season! Hee! Hee!


Weird Nighttime Cinema....a Series

I have weird dreams....and luckily, they are so weird that I remember them. Lucky for you that is!!! Because I will recount it for you here! Grab something to eat...something small, maybe just stick a piece of gum in your mouth...it won't be a long tale to tell.

My dream begins with me in bed at my old house. My bedroom is not the orange color it once was, rather all the colors are more subdued and the room is larger than it was. So large, that the bed I'm laying in is king size and there's still room left in the room. In said large bed Andrew, Abe and I because apparently, I had a slumber party or something. At one point, Andrew leaves the bedroom and when he does so, he sees Abe give me a hug or something, something completely innocent. He gets mad at me and when Abe leaves tells me that he's upset because Abe wasn't even wearing a glove. Andrew leaves, but not before telling my mother about what happened. She comes into my room and continues to nag me about how it's not right what I did. I can't have two boys giving me hugs without gloves on. She goes on and on about it, and all I vividly remember, is that I just wanted her to shut up so I could go back to sleep. I remember telling her that it was just a hug, who cares if he was wearing a glove or not. Her nagging was in both English and Greek. Irritating.


Noteworthy Links

These are articles I either encourage people to read...or want to read later on today! So don't stay a while please mosey on over:

Gay Marriage: Our Mutual Joy and if you'd like to embark on the feedback .

Linux Stop Holding Back Our Kids

I'll be adding to this as the week goes on!


Not Everything You Read On The Internet is True....

Domokun got NOTHING on my Charsi....but then again...she is a blacksmithing barbarian!



I haven't blogged in for forever. I'm not sure if I have anything to say. Or if I've even had a chance to sit in my thoughts and write them out. I'll do that soon. I'm trying to figure stuff out, but I feel like I've been stagnant. I need to change the way I am. 2009 will surely be different.


Tiresome Tuesdays.

Some times I don't know what's worse...the glances or the....



Aside from the kitty (Charsi by the way) being able to come home with me, and getting the graduation certifications done at work today. Everything else has sort of been well, a mind jumble. I keep thinking over specific situations over and over again in my head. And wonder what the fuck I should be doing about it. Only my thoughts are never really in any particular order. They are always consistently jumbled and eventually become round about in what I wonder is me just trying to give myself answers that seem right. Am I trying to convince myself of some sort of reality that isn't really present, or is it what's really there and I'm complicating more than it needs to be. I've wrestled with this same question for what I feel like has been forever and now I'm beginning to think that my response is no longer of the same caliber that it used to be, but that more than ever I want it to be. Before it was clear as day and now....

And all I want to do is write about it, and just get it out and even then I feel awful about it. Well, I'd never actually blog about it, but I'd never want to journal about it and when I do I can't All the small stories and dialogues I try to pen fail miserably. I can't talk about it because it just makes me feel even worse and it probably comes out worse than anything I try to write.

Blah blah blah, I just don't want to think of it anymore. I don't don't don't. And if I put anyone in an uncomfortable situations I'm sorry about it.

Mysoon to be kitty!

Charsi is mine! And I will post new pictures as soon as she's home! :) I have to give a big thank you to Heather for finding such a cutie patootie and thinking about Andrew and I. EEP! Too excited!! :)!


This article just blew my mind. BOOM Blown. I'll respond to it in a little bit. Completely infuriated as if I weren't to begin with anyways. UGH! It's 2008 people Two Thousand Fucking Eight, grow the fuck up and leave your backwards fucking beliefs behind!


A few laughs...


So Obama won!! Woots are in order, but the road ahead is still going to be a long and hard one. I should be excited, considering that I go into all of these events with the notion that what I want will lose. (Super Bowl, Euro '04, Euro '08 all except the 04 election...and we all know how that ended!!) It's a trick I play for two reasons: 1. I don't want to jinx anything and 2. I'd rather begin the night disappointed and end on a happy note. I was happy last night when Obama won, actually I think at first I was more in disbelief. My brain couldn't comprehend it, like GTFO no way?! But the BBC wouldn't lie right? So now I'm just happy and I'm excited about what's to come from all of this. Is it really going to be change? And how much of a change? I know it won't be immediate, but I'd like to know what direction this will put us in. Excited I guess for the future.

And yet, part of me is still a little disappointed. Where was the youth 4 years ago? You guys all stepped out this time, but you could've ended the Era of Bush II last time. He was going to get out of office regardless of whether you voted this term or not. But you sat on your asses until it was made "cool" to vote and believe that you actually had a voice. IMs, Text messages, Myspace/Facebook Statuses remind me to vote. I've always voted. Don't remind me like I'm some imbecile, because where were you four years ago? Where were you when you could've made another difference? I guess I'm mad that it took kids my age 8 years of Bush to realize how backwards he is, than the first measly 4. So to my generation, thanks, but part of me still feels like it might be a little too late. Let's just hope this isn't a one time thing and you all do get woken up and realize that the youth does have a voice, we've always had a voice, and we definitely have more stamina to make a bigger ruckus!

And I'm also upset because of all the gay bans that passed. Arizona and Florida banned gay marriage, which I sort of expected from them, sadly. (It's sad that I have to expect that!) But Cali?! Really?! Really?! I was kinda hoping Prop 8 wouldn't go through and it'd set some standard for the country or so I thought in my idealistic mind. Completely disheartened. I just don't understand how, it's highly illogical. And maybe that's why I'm so flabbergasted, because this is something that won because those backing it, don't use logic. Oh well, I guess the key is to just keep on fighting.

More on this later, as I always say.


I hate when creativity strikes me at work. This has happened for the third time at work in the last two weeks. I think it's because it's hard to find quiet time at home as of late. Part of me wants to get rid of my desktop, and buy a laptop. Or maybe just buy a laptop. For moments like this, I could've ran away on my lunch break and gone with it.


I've gotten in an unsatiable mood to paint lately. Although I know my paintings will suck, I've gotten ideas. Actually, all I want to do is paint and write. No work, no reading (or trying to read) anthro articles, I just want to hang out, paint, write and make out! Ahahaha! I sound like some kind of bohemian beatnik.

Lately, I've become a different person I've noticed. I've been more relaxed. I let my hair down more, I really don't consider other people's opinions of me. I think that has a lot to do with who I've been surrounding myself with lately. No one starts pointless arguments, I never have to worry about some stupid drama starting up. It's just all about hanging out. I can even be as retarded as I want, and no one cares about a stupid comment here or there. I went from consistently walking on eggshells, to walking on sunshine. (ha ha!) I feel like I finally get to just be me, because no one is concerned with what being me is, they just want me to be? Does that make sense? I hope it does. Hanging out doesn't invovle pretensions or a need to please everyone and make sure they are all ok with you, it's just...hanging out. Some of these people I've only known for a month and I feel completely comfortable around them. I had some friends I've known for years and I never felt the same level of comfort with them. And this isn't to say that these new people are my new bestest friends adn we're all so tight, because that's not how I operate. But I like the ability to just...be myself...even around complete strangers.

I had a lto more to say but I typed out a lot of it to Ruthy. I'll get back to this again when the mood strikes me.

I'm just in a good mood and being in a good mood scares me...it foreshadows a poor afternoon ahead. Let's hope otherwise.


This is what keeps going through my head....


Planning Ahead

It's too early for new year's resolutions...but then again I never really stick to them anywho.

Since I can do the running thing pretty OK. I've decided I am going to try to accomplish some more things this soon.

I plan on:
- Getting reacquainted with my artistic side again. I haven't really seen that kid since I was in college and that was just for a bit while I was conjuring up a bad story Ruthy enjoyed reading. Maybe I'll finish it so she has something to read...at least something that will keep her awake on the train.

- Actually using some of the things in my apartment that I bought under the idea that it was an "investment"

- Reading all of those anthro articles I printed out and taking notes

- Typing or scanning all of my notes so that I can dispose of the originals that are just taking up too much space in my closet.

- Learning photoshop.

- Getting shit organized. My apartment, my life, my thoughts. Well my thoughts at least down on paper and I'll take it from there.

- Experimenting a bit more with my cooking. Seriously, how many nights can I eat pan fried chicken. I know it's quick and I'm lazy, but seriously? SERIOUSLY?!

- Figuring out where it is I want to be. Which I kinda know, it's nowhere and everywhere at the sametime. But I'll just focus on making every moment a blast and by blast I mean that I'm having a good time...even if it involves running for miles and questioning why it is I do these thing to myself!

I feel like blogging and I feel like journaling. Really journaling, getting all of that nonsense out of my head that's locked up in there. But I feel like I can't and when I sit down and want to, I realize how ridiculous it all is, which makes me stop writing and grow weary.

ugh....I wish I would just stop thinking....about everything.


I should be

planning out my future
finishing a painting
finishing a project
planning a website
getting reacquainted with old skills
helping my sister with her wedding plans
setting up my diet
setting up a better workout
saving money
taking care of myself
doing something more important than figuring out all of the things I should be doing.

I'm stuck in a funk, in a rut. More like stuck in a fork and I have no idea which road to take. No this isn't some Robert Frost shit. All roads have been traveled on, I just don't know which one to take. Each day I begin to figure out more and more about myself and it terrifies me to realize that who I am now and where I want to go are not on the same path. Not that I don't like who I am being, but who I want to be leads elsewhere and although what I want to do is nothing original, it's new to me and that new territory seems frightening. I should just screw this fork and march my way though the middle....



http://scienceblogs.com/dispatches/2008/10/no_pictures_of_gay_people.php Well that guy commented on that, but I'll be adding my comment to this And how of course it's on fox news. Ha!


Empty shallow small talk conversations that have no real meaning to them anymore. That's what we've been reduced to. Part of me would rather not have the empty conversations, I'd rather skip all of the pleasantries and get to the nitty gritty pieces at hand. Part of me wants to be able to divulge pieces of me that I used to once in the past and hear that the beans I spilled to you on the floor, were simply a product of my own neurotic behavior. I long for the days where we discussed nothing in particular. The days where we were just in each other's company for the sake of being in each other's company are long gone. And with them so are the days of watching bad movies in silence, playing video games, talking about inane things, cracking jokes and laughing at everything. AS part of me is so disgusted by you and your shallow decisions that I think even the empty conversations are asking too much of me.

I am beginning to not care how your weekend went. I care not to know as much as you choose not to include me in it. I ask because we are friends and what I am expected to do, what I am supposed to do. I do so because I'm stubborn and I'm trying to hold on to something that once had meaning. Which is as pointless as trying to hold on to ashes of painting...for the sake of it's artistic value.

Ha ha ha! I'm a dork. I'll edit this later....


New Facebook is now the only Facebook. For more information, read the blog, see the tutorial, or just keep an eye out for yellow boxes throughout the site.

The tone of this just seems a bit mean to me.

Also, I really hate how everything someone does on facebook shows up on my wall. I don't particularly care who's attending what, who found who through the "Friends Finder", etc etc.

Joe just ate a sandwich! Really who fucking cares?!

I've been feeling sick the last couple of days, light headed, dizzy and nauseated. I'm supposed to run tonight and I hope I can make it. I'm making my sister's wedding toppers. Four different prototypes. They are coming out well. I need to stop somewhere to get fabrics.

When I start getting back into anthropology again, I think I'll start another blog about that. Even though it's going to suck. Seriously. I've decided I'm going to keep a blog about everything I do, it helps me keep up with it.

My lunch break is almost over. Pootie.

I feel like death...seriously. I wonder what's wrong with me...and I'll keep wondering cause I'll never go anywhere!!


Palin terrifies the shit outta me. If you have a uterus or know someone with a uterus for the love of God don't vote for McCain. As soon as that old bastard croaks and she takes over, she'll make us check our uteri at the door. Who calls her a feminist? I'd certainly like to know what definition of feminist they use.




I'm frustrated, irritated, annoyed, aggravated etc. You ever play Sims and your sim wants to go to sleep and then you see them pop up with the bed caption and they're making their lil faces and waving. That's how i feel right now. 1. I just want to go to fucking sleep. 3 hours of sleep 8 hours of work. And I still don't get to fucking go home, so imagine how I feel right now.

2. I just can't put up with people. There's too much fucking negative around me. I'm gonna go get fitted with my sister hang at her place for a bit and afterwards call the rest of the regulars and calm the fuck down. Sometimes I'm sorta glad I was outed and left behind...or as I like to say, that I moved ahead.

This shithole day is almost over!


I need to update on the running...maybe tomorrow. Even though I might not have time to run tomorrow :(.

Anywho. Indecision 08 has become more like well it's been decided for me. Regardless of how eh I feel about someone, I can't bring myself to vote McCain and I can't have my idealism take over and give up a vote to someone who is alright. So that's decided.

Went to the LGBTQ Fall Reception. Twas fun...I actually talked to people...after a while of course. And since when was there potpourri in the women's bathroom at the SAC?! And why was that one of the first things I noticed and wanted to talk about! AHAHAHAHA! I miss the SAC, I miss student involvement. Not that I don't like Bio...cause I love OUGI. Straight up the people there are AMAZING. But I think I know where my path will one day lead. I like helping students...who really want help. (Even if I do want to answer "But I'm a cheerleader" every time I hear "But I'm a senior!") So I think I might get slightly more involved...figure out what it is I want to do in Grad School and go for it! The keynote speaker today was awesome so I guess I would say that I'm inspired slightly. Or maybe I've had too much coffee today! Ha ha!

Awesome weekend plans coming up. I cleaned my apartment and it remained that way for about....two days :). Someone needs to take out the garbage STAT! Dress fitting tomorrow...did I mention my dress fits all the better! WOOT! That's cause I'm going from hot to even hotter! HA HA HA HA!!

I'm off to clean up some more, begin another mess and eventually get to sleep tonight!

Later kiddies!


Funniest thing ever.


"Life's not fair." It's a cliche, because it's true. And how do you know it's true? Think about all of the people that are just lucky enough to be born here that are just a complete waste of life, but find themselves to be so particularly awesome. Now think of people who are born in less desireable locations and have to go through a terrible existence. Not fair right? Whoever said all life is meaningful, never bothered to read myspace profiles. AHAHAHAHAHA. If this is what my generation is turning into, I most definitely do not want a part of it. I don't want to be part of a material driven, selfish, dillusioned generation that thinks they are something that they are clearly very far away from. Every action is all so fake, good deeds done simply to justify every other nasty aspect in their life. It's ok because....fill in whatever good thing it is you've done here! As if it works like Catholiscm tells people, 50 Hail Maries and you're no longer a sinner!

That sounds a little like I'm tooting my own horn. I sound like an elitist But I'm not. I know the own extent of my assholishness though. I know how good of a person I am and how bad of a person I am. I don't try to trumpet either side more, I don't try to color myself in a particular light or make myself any better or worse than I am. People try to hard to make themselves seem everlasting, to be the next big thing to be some overblown bombastic personality. Trumpeting one more than other, trying to make themselves everlasting somehow because a name will carry on. It's a shame none of that really matters....because realistically, nothing matters.

Friday ranting is the worst :)


I want to be a cool kid! Hopefully someday. I have to read that when I get a chance...but I should be sleeping! Tomorrow's work and another run! Woo hoo! I'm totally missing my peak :( Sigh. Oh well. You snooze you lose, but science isn't something that once it's done everyone's like well, that was cool...we'll forget about that. So hopefully...HOPEFULLY. I'll one day get to be a cool kid...finally!

A blog six years in the making....

Implications of One Plus One

Sometimes we collide, tectonic plates merging,
continents shoving, crumpling down into the molten
veins of fire deep in the earth and raising
tons of rock into jagged crests of Sierra.

Sometimes your hands drift on me, milkweed's
airy silk, wingtip's feathery caresses,
our lips grazing, a drift of desires gathering
like fog over warm water, thickening to rain.

Sometimes we go to it heartily, digging,
burrowing, grunting, tossing up covers
like loose earth, nosing into the other's
flesh with hot nozzles and wallowing there.

Sometimes we are kids making out, silly
in the quilt, tickling the xylophone spine,
blowing wet jokes, loud as a whole
slumber party bouncing till the bed breaks.

I go round and round you sometimes, scouting,
blundering, seeking a way in, the high boxwood
maze I penetrate running lungs bursting
toward the fountain of green fire at the heart.

Sometimes you open wide as cathedral doors
and yank me inside. Sometimes you slither
into me like a snake into its burrow.
Sometimes you march in with a brass band.

Ten years of fitting our bodies together
and still they sing wild songs in new keys.
It is more and less than love: timing,
chemistry, magic and will and luck.

One plus one equal one, unknowable except
in the moment, not convertible into words,
not explicable or philosophically interesting.
But it is. And it is. And it is. Amen.

Marge Piercy

So it's not ten years. It's six, but still! That's pretty amazing. Especially if you know as much about our relationship as we both do. Six years of putting up with a selfish hypochondriac who has bouts of narcissism and depression. Someone who doesn't appreciate things quickly, complains and whines about everything and is probably really ugly deep down inside. You have to give the man credit, he's able to find something so beautiful in me that he keeps coming back.

And me about him? I can't say anything negative about him. He's made the last six years incredible. He listens to me, he takes care of me, he puts up with me and my ridiculousness...even when he tells me I'm being ridiculous! He tries to put a smile on my face. He makes my friends his friends. (Have you met my friends?!) He's just perfect. I can't fault the guy. He'll make the next six years incredible. I'll do my best to make the next six years miserable. That way, we'll even each other out! :)

And us together? Six years of silliness, six years of some arguing, six years of cuddling, six years of screaming, six years of love, six years of laughs, six years of questioning, six years of knowing exactly why. Six years of proposing ridiculous theories to one another, three years of WoW. Six years of binking, six years of seeing who will eat the other first, six years of promising that when the Zombies come, we'll be bad ass together or if the other gets bitten, we'll take the other out. Six years of just us trying to fit together, sometimes trying to come apart. Six years of us together.

Funny thing is neither of us know the day. As soon as we could be together, we were. Ha! What dorks!


Who needs to pay for therapy...when you has the internets!

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||| 22%
Stability |||||||||||| 42%
Orderliness |||||| 30%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 70%
Interdependence |||||||||||| 43%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||| 70%
Mystical |||||||||||| 43%
Artistic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Religious || 10%
Hedonism |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Materialism |||||| 30%
Narcissism |||||| 30%
Adventurousness |||||| 30%
Work ethic |||||| 23%
Humanitarian |||||||||||||| 56%
Conflict seeking |||||||||| 36%
Need to dominate |||||||||| 36%
Romantic || 10%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 50%
Anti-authority |||||||||| 36%
Wealth || 10%
Dependency |||||| 30%
Change averse |||||||||||||||| 63%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Individuality |||||||||||||| 56%
Sexuality |||||| 23%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Family drive || 10%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||| %
Histrionic || 10%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Vanity |||| 16%
Honor |||||| 23%
Thriftiness |||||||||||| 43%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality test by similarminds.com

Stability results were moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Orderliness results were low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extraversion results were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.

trait snapshot:
introverted, secretive, messy, depressed, does not like leadership, somewhat nihilistic, observer, does not make friends easily, unassertive, feels invisible, feels undesirable, hates large parties, does not like to stand out, leisurely, suspicious, submissive, abstract, unpredictable, intellectual, likes rain, likes the unknown, negative, weird, not a risk taker, unadventurous, avoidant, strange

And when you're feeling open I'll still be here
But not without a certain degree of fear
Of what will be with you and me
I still can see things hopefully



What in the ham sammich?!


part of me wishes....i didn't think so much.

being a xxxxxx. then off to bed.

Elizabeth Hasselbeck is a moron. A complete moron brainwashed by ideology and completely unable to form her own opinion.

She's fought corruption. Why not vote for her she's a woman? Right, that's all women care about? (Even though before the clip, she was saying it lowers the woman voter to say they'd just vote for a woman.

Yes a woman who supports a bridge to no where, and has some corruption issues of her own to deal with is just fucking wonderful. Not say that Hilary is a saint...far from it, but she was running for President and we know what she's capable of.

Blah...why do I even care about the View is beyond me!



A 74.XXX.XX.XXX your constant blog hits will surely be missed! At least my new hits from Greece should still be able to help me make some cash off Adsense.


Chocolate Covered Oreos....FOR THE WIN!


Indecision 08

More like Irritation 08. The first presidential election I got to vote in was 04. And I was excited. I thought I'd be able to oust Bush. Everywhere on campus there was this Rush to get everyone registered to vote. Even though I was eh about Kerry, he wasn't Bush. And it'd be cool to have Skeletor as President or the old guy behind every Scooby Doo haunting. Added bonus to not being Bush. That didn't happen. I felt so let down. Completely let down. Midterm elections came. I voted again. Democrats were going to take over the house. I believed Nancy Pelosi when she said they were going to take over and correct things. Suddenly Democrats would grow back their shrunken testicles and do something about this idiot in office. She'd be the first female president of the country too (if they impeached both Cheney and Bush.) That never happened, we're still in Iraq and at that point gas prices only remained low before midterm elections. I thought third time will be the charm. Right? Isn't that the expression. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Do democrats never learn? I didn't like any of the potential democratic nominees. I had to fight with people I know because I'm not an Obamanite which pretty much means you're stupid and you want another four years of Bush.

This will be my third election. And yet again, it's another choice of not between the greatest, but the lessor of two evils. Blah! Then they wonder why the youth is apathetic towards politics!



Andrew sent me an awesome site that I've been playing around with most of the morning and I got to make this:

You can do this to, just go to here and put in a site and stuff.

I think Ruby had an art assignment like this once when she took text design. I thought it was one of the coolest classes she had and definitely an awesome assignment.

Today's Andrew's birthday. Since I won't be around tonight, I woke him up at 2am...or quarter to to give him his present. I was supposed to do it at midnight, but I completely lost track of time watching Season One of The L Word. I bought him I Like You by Sandol Stoddard Warburg. If only because I think the following lines are completely us:

You know how to be silly
That's why I like you
Boy are you ever silly
I never met anybody sillier than me
till I met you
I like you because
You know when it's time to stop being silly
Maybe day after tomorrow
Maybe never
Oops too late
It's quarter post silly

I think he liked it. I'm sure he didn't appreciate being woken up. I never know how to read his responses. I can't tell if he's really happy, or if he's just humoring me. I would have really liked to have gotten that. (Not that I think him getting me Rock Band was a bad idea...cause it was great) But this was cute...and I know he hates birthdays. So it was just something small and cute, and maybe ultimately too girlie and mushy...I don't know. Or maybe he was just tired because I woke him up at 2am? That may have just been it.

I've come to notice that I've become really impatient lately. I'm going down to Wildwood...and the one thing I'm not looking forward to is the drive. I just want to get there! I don't want to sit in traffic for probably 3+ hours just to get there. I just want to get there. When I watch shows on my computer, I find myself scrolling through parts just to get to where I want. Even with movies...I want to fast forward to the end...so I know what happens. I wonder why. Maybe I just need to go somewhere that's slower than here...and just relax. Isn't the middle supposed to be the best part? Isn't the end supposed to be so empty? Bah who knows...maybe I just need a nap. Maybe I'm always rushing...just to go to sleep! :)

Talked to Danny about how I feel. Which got no where and if it did, it was more backwards than forwards. I think he felt like I was accusing him and in turn I then felt like he blew off my feelings. If I came across as accusatory and condescending I didn't intend on doing so. I simply wanted to let him know how I felt and explain why I acted the way I did. I just wanted him to know where I was coming from. Oh well. You can't please all the people all the time right?


Bloggity blog blog. In some instances a modern form of whining...brought on a global scale. Now even you on the other side of the planet can be wise of my own personal melodrama. Making the world a much smaller place.

Yet, it's almost a censored sort of whining. Granted, some people like to be more candid with their posts. I however, like to think that I choose a more vague and cryptic writing style. One that although it addresses some sort of issue, chooses to skirt around all the factors leading up to it. Partly because I like to save face and the other part s because I don't want to deal with what mentioning specifics would bring about.

I've been in a peculiar mood all day. Woke up feeling sticky from the on setting humidity of the day. Along with a slight headache and a killer thirst. I felt gross, I could smell the alcohol off my skin, which I didn't even think I drank enough to warrant that type of response from my body. I went to the bathroom, then convinced my self to drink a bottle of water and return to bed, before I woke the sleeping giant that would become my stomach if I become conscious of how I awful I might really feel. Went back to sleep and woke up much later than I had expected. Headache was practically gone though I woke up even stickier. Made myself some toast, took a shower and spent the day with my sister. Saturday night, I went to the Breakfast Club for god knows what reason. That club does not warrant 15 of my hard earned dollars for entry. Especially when it's 80s mix has gotten pretty eh. It was much better a few years ago. I definitely had a better time the last time I was there. Nor do I plan on going there again for quite a while. Friday night I stayed in and watched the Prestige. No super exciting weekend plans.

I took two showers today to get the gross off of me. It's amazing how cathartic a shower can be and just how ultimately rejuvenating they are. I do some of my best thinking in the shower and I always feel relaxed and different after one. Regardless of my mood, a shower I've noticed can put me in almost the right state of mind. A shower and a mug of green tea works even greater wonders.

Saturday night wasn't as fun as previous nights in the same location, because I spent it around a few people who I know have no genuine interest in me. Why I went is beyond me, I guess my experimental side was intrigued. Granted I still had a good time due in part to the fact that I was with my two comrades and upon my return home, I was treated to an entertaining phone call with Abc. But everyone else...I'm struggling to find the precise words I want to use. I know it wouldn't bother me as much, if it weren't for the fact that one of them used to be someone I considered a good friend for a number of years. And that is the part that's most disheartening. As I've gotten older, it's been easier for me to deal with people not liking me. I don't like most people, I suppose they have the same right to not like me either. But not being liked by someone who's been there for a long time, that's still upsetting. Especially when they just try to save face.

I know if I ever brought it up, I'd be "thinking too much into it" or be told that no one cares. And yet part of me feels like I should've seen this coming a long long time ago.

Nobody can live on a bridge
or plant potatoes
but it is fine for comings and goings,
meetings, partings and long views
and a real connection to someplace else
where you may
in the crazy weathers of struggle
now and again want to be.

It's true, no one can live on a bridge, but it's there I suppose if you need it. Though....

Odd, because for the first time in a long time, I feel utterly alone and without the same bridge for those who'd always have one with me...

Tomorrow begins running and with it I hope a clearer mind. An excuse to focus on my body, and to take a second shower and hopefully with it a chance to shake off this feeling.


We can all assume what I am doing tonight. Though realistically, the Heineken is optional. We are fun even without it...imagine that!

Thems be my plans tonight. If you have my digits, feel free to contact me and ask if you too can partake.


To be of use
by Marge Piercy

The people I love the best
jump into work head first
without dallying in the shallows
and swim off with sure strokes almost out of sight.
They seem to become natives of that element,
the black sleek heads of seals
bouncing like half submerged balls.
I love people who harness themselves, an ox to a heavy cart,
who pull like water buffalo, with massive patience,
who strain in the mud and the muck to move things forward,
who do what has to be done, again and again.

I want to be with people who submerge
in the task, who go into the fields to harvest
and work in a row and pass the bags along,
who stand in the line and haul in their places,
who are not parlor generals and field deserters
but move in a common rhythm
when the food must come in or the fire be put out.
The work of the world is common as mud.
Botched, it smears the hands, crumbles to dust.
But the thing worth doing well done
has a shape that satisfies, clean and evident.
Greek amphoras for wine or oil,
Hopi vases that held corn, are put in museums
but you know they were made to be used.
The pitcher cries for water to carry
and a person for work that is real.

You can have anything you want, if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, if you hold that desire with singleness of purpose.
--Abraham Lincoln
I'm terrible when it comes to determination. I give up before the going gets anywhere near being remotely tough. I have a hard time accepting the fact that the first time I attempt something it's not going to be easy and I'm not going to do it perfectly. I used to be too concerned with what people thought about me looking like a fool when I was trying something they were already experts at. I was raised with the notion that when you do something, you do it perfectly. There is no trying, there's just doing. Regardless of how many times you may or may not have done whatever it may be. My father is a perfectionist. Which translated into his daughters being perfect. Not that I necessarily want to place all the blame on him. It's my fault for falling into that idea for so long, I'm a grown woman I should be able to make my own decisions.

I've always known that I lack discipline. Yet my own admission never bothered me. It still hasn't bothered me. What bothers me is that Andrew considers it my greatest flaw. It hits a lot harder when it comes from someone that looks at you the same way Andrew looks at me. I don't like it when someone else says I can't do something. It makes me want to prove them wrong. And I don't like it when Andrew thinks I have a flaw. Although I know it doesn't make him like me any less, it still bothers me. It's still something I should improve.

I'm not as hopeless as I think I am either. I have small examples of where I've proven some sort of dedication. I finish this summer class, which as easy as Spanish 101 is....no class is enjoyable when you work 40 hours a week and go to class for two hours 4 days of week after that. Added with homework and a bunch of the regular house work I've had to do. And, I've stuck around in this relationship for six years and it hasn't always been all roses and smiles. So that's some determination. So I have some somewhere, I just need to tap that source more often.

What's my test to prove this to me? Running. I've gone off again on again with running. It's like a lover I keep returning too. I know things are better with her in my life, but I always let the nonsense take precedence over her. Not this time. Nope, not this time. This time, running is going to be in my life for good. I'm going to make up with running....just like New Balance has been telling me. Why? It's not that I ever think I'll be great. Nor do I particularly care about being great, it's just a goal I've always had for myself. I want to run a marathon, I want to be in a triathlon. Plus, running's pretty cheap to get into. It's not like I need to buy a super awesome bike....sure I have to spend some dough on sneaks...but it's not ridiculous money. In addition to that, I know my body. I'm short, but I'm not gracile like other short girls. It's not that I'm short and large. I'm just of a stockier build. I don't think I was meant to sit around and be "cute." I was an active little kid. I liked getting dirty, I liked playing rough, I always played with the boys. So what's my goal....my goal is to reach the third week and that ninth run. I've read at Runner's World that the ninth run is the make or break point. I've given up at that point and before tha tpoint. But this time, I'm going to destroy that point. It'll be behind me as a milestone! I'm going to keep running, I'm going to finish my first marathon and when I make it to the finish line, Andrew will be there waiting for me...just so he can hear me say, "I told you so." Which I know he'll accept with big smiles.

I've been motivated all week. I've read articles, prepared motivation ideas in my head and I'll finalize them all on my day off tomorrow. The running starts next week. And I believe I'm going to start blogging about how I feel each day. Hopefully on the 6th of September, I'll be able to tell you that I feel great!


This is an advertisement I saw on a website for I'm assuming an online university. My whole thing is....why do they all look like priests...except for the HR officer...she's amazed at their priestliness too.

Of course I find them all ridiculously cute!


Today is my final in Spanish and I didn't study at all! I should've called out of work, I'm exhausted! EXHAUSTED. I'm taking off Friday though to spend the day with the boy and possibly get things done. (And by get things done I mean level up my Priest! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) I'll probably renew my license too, since I have to do that before this month is up. If only because it'll make getting into bars and getting drinks difficult and certainly not because I use the damned thing. I also have to pick up my bridesmaid's dress and might look into getting a haircut. (Haircut not on Friday...maybe Saturday morning.) Somewhere in this grand scheme of things will be a trip to the bank and some other nonsense. Pretty much I'll try to get as much done as possible.

Friday is super mega holiday in Greece, third largest religious holiday post Easter and Christmas. It's the day we commemorate Panagia's ascent into heaven. I take off on Name Days apparently. (I took off on mine!) It's my sister's name day that day, as well as my cousins' and my grandfather's. The later two will get a phone call, but I'll visit my sister and bring her goodies on her γιορτή.

I have no idea what this weekend has in store for me. I had a ton of fun this past weekend hanging out with Holly, who I see more frequently than I have when she was an undergrad. Then again Baltimore is only two hours away. Perhaps when this whole wedding stuff is over, I'll convince the boy that we need to make a ride down that way.

This week I have to plan out my working out regiment. I think to motivate myself I might get one of those boards teachers used to use and put stickers for every day I work out successfully. I should reward myself too, how I'm not quite sure yet. Back to the salt mines.


I busted my ass today at work. Not literally my ass, but shin got that glory. I work at an office that has a large window in front so we can "interact" with students without having them come directly into our office. When the door is locked in the afternoons, rather than using my key to open the door, I always hop the counter. Simply because I can, and I'm lazy. (Although that takes more effort than simply putting the key in the door.) Some days I hit my shin, other days, I clear it just fine. Today was neither of those days. Today, I bashed my shin directly into the edge of the counter, cutting myself and getting the largest bruise. It hurt so much, I had to limp to my desk, lock up slowly and limp to the bathroom before making my escape to Andrew's car and heading off to Spanish Class. It hurt all the way towards class and even walking to the Student Center post class. Let's hope it doesn't hurt tomorrow.

Speaking of Spanish class, I rocked my oral final. 14.25/15. Not to shabby, considering I really only memorized the oral part today! Huzzah. Came home right well into the Giants Pre-Game against the Detroit Loins. They're not doin' too hot and I must admit, this is the most boring game I've ever watched. Almost as boring as Romania v France....ok, maybe not as much!

Came home made Vodka Sauce...from semi scratch (I used canned tomato sauce) and it's DELICIOUS. I love it when I make something not normal and it comes out great. Ate, took a photo of my food and attempt to document my almost broken tibia (exaggerate much), photoshopped a photo of my food. Wrote a blog, bout to post it, going to clean up the mess I leave when I cook and come home. Eventually all of this will be followed by a shower and an attempt to pick out something almost human to go to work in tomorrow.

Here's my delicious cavatelli and vodka sauce!

(It's off to a third of the photo because Katie says that looks "artistic." I'll take her word for it...I guess. )

This weekend, my plans are few and far in between. Meeting up with Lesia to discuss things tomorrow night, probably going to come back here and attempt studying for my actual final. Then I'll probably hang out with Holly while she comes to visit us. Ruthy and I should think of what we want to do with her.

My Final Exam

This is what I have to memorize for my exam. I think I have almost all of it. In red are the parts I don't remember. I wrote it with the help of my partner and under the supervision of my professor...who corrected my grammar. Which wasn't much, I'm impressed. I actually like Spanish and would like to keep learning more. But I've never really met a language I didn't like...

A: ¿Por que inventó el cierre?

B: Inventé el cierre porque no me gusto los botones. El cierre es más fácil y rápido.

A: ¿Cuanto tiempo le tomó inventar el cierre?

B: Me tomó cerca de veinte años para inventarlo. Fue muy difícil trabajar y necesité un trabajo muy detallado cometí muchas errores y muchas fallas.

A: ¿Para que utilizaste por primera vez los cierres?

B: La primera vez, lo utilizaron en las bolasas de correo.

A: ¿Ganaste mucho dinero por inventar los cierres?

B: No, solo un poco. En ese tiempo el cierre no era popular. Pero cuando los jeans hicieron populares, el cierre fue muy popular. Sin embargo, yo vendí la patente tres años antes.

A: ¿Estudiaste ciencias?

B: Si, estudié muchas ciencias. Física, química, biología, geología, ingeniera. También estudié matemáticas. El cierre es muy complicado y es necessario saber muchas ciencas.

A: ¿Donde estuvieron viviendo cuando inventó el cierre?

B: Yo viví en el sótano de mi mama en Chicago.

None of this is based on factual information, so if you're reading this and going, none of this is about the guy who invented the zipper...don't leave me a glaring comment about my stupidity. I just had to make up things I could remember. Although it is true, the first zippers (which looked nothing like a zipper) were used on mailbags. And the guy didn't make much money, he actually died before the word zipper was ever coined!


Sleepy sleepy Tuesday and Monday. I don't know how I make it through the week. Class is coming to a close, I need to review what's been going on in my life. I sort of got somethings accomplished today. Blah blah blah. Ha ha ha so much for writing!


A picture is worth 1000 words...a captioned picture....1008.

That's how I felt this morning...I still feel the same way.

If Monday were a person, I'd stab him in the face. Which would quickly be followed by a high five from the mischievous Friday and his crew of Weekend Miscreant Fun Lovers!


Τι σου 'κανα και πίνεις

This has to be one of the best songs of all time. So you can watch both versions and read the lyrics :)

Τι σου 'κανα και πίνεις
Τι σου 'κανα και πίνεις, τσιγάρο στο τσιγάρο
κι είν' τα πικρά σου μάτια στο πάτωμα καρφιά

Πες μου για δε μ' αφήνεις με δυο φιλιά να πάρω
απ' τα θολά σου μάτια τη μαύρη συννεφιά
Πες μου για δε μ' αφήνεις με δυο φιλιά να πάρω
απ' τα θολά σου μάτια τη μαύρη συννεφιά

Οι πόνοι που σε σφάζουν, πόνοι διπλοί για μένα
σταλάζουν στην καρδιά μου τα δάκρυα που κλαις

Να 'ξερες πως σπαράζουν τα μέσα μου για σένα
που στέκεσαι μακρυά μου και λόγο δε μου λες
Να 'ξερες πως σπαράζουν τα μέσα μου για σένα
που στέκεσαι μακρυά μου και λόγο δε μου λες

Αμίλητό μου στόμα, φεγγάρι μου σβησμένο
ανάθεμα την ώρα και τη βαριά στιγμή
Όλα για σε τα δίνω, τα δίνω και πεθαίνω
για να μη σε αγγίξουν ξανά οι στεναγμοί

Στίχοι: Λευτέρης Παπαδόπουλος
Μουσική: Μίμης Πλέσσας

You can just feel the pain and heartache in both the lyrics and I think the music does such a good job of making that feeling even stronger.


50Cent is hilarious:

"Hell, no! Are you kidding me? That's like Amsterdam. Amsterdam is fun for some people, but I don't want no [bleep] that costs $50. There's too many people that got $50!"


Either my doctor is incompetent or I'm dying. Ok, so maybe it's not that extreme. Maybe I'm just a lot sicker than we all thought and the first round of antibiotics didn't work. I feel miserable though. I just want to go home and lay in bed with a heating pad on my back and the covers pulled up to my face and my bebee next to me...cause cuddles are the best medicine!



It's the color of the Blogspot B, the color of the RSS feed icon, the color of the fox in firefox and was also the color of my old bedroom. I fell in love with bright orange years ago but the love soon died when it was the first color I saw everyday for the last 2 years. Being surrounded in a cocoon of orange makes never lets you relax. No wonder why it's the color for high alert! I always felt like I was on high alert. Now I'm surrounded in a room of antique white, a beige comforter and completely blank walls. While the emptiness is somewhat comforting, it can a little disheartening and empty. Now I find myself missing a bit of the stress from the orange...

That was so emo!


I'm a silly goose!


Just a random thought on gay marriage. I believe in the secular country that we are supposed to be, this should have been an open shut case years ago. Marriage in this country is viewed as a legal contract and with being married individuals are granted particular rights and recognitions that non-married individuals are not able to enjoy. A personal religious belief stating that marriage is some holy sanctified union created by God and only between a man and a woman, should hold no bearing on the law of the land.


Today Just Gets Funnier

Who would have thought reading the weather channel would result in something funny? Normally I hate reading user comments but this...this was truly a gold mine:

Man-made global warming is a fabricated lie. The people who promote it are evil. Why don’t we imprison them?
Posted by Nancy in Austin | July 23, 2008

Really? Seriously? Honestly? I suppose they should get the death penalty too.

Does everything being bigger in Texas include the morons? Is their level of stupidity greater than that of say citizens in California or New Mexico? I'm starting to think Mexico just didn't want to fight for Texas for reasons that are becoming clearer and clearer as the days go by.

Oh and I think we'll go after the Global Warming people AFTER we get them Evolution promoting bastards!

Google Alerts.

This is funny to read:javascript:void(0)
Publish Post

I have an alert on Google for neanderthals as well as various other things, and this is what came up today.

I don't know what's funnier, lines like this:

No. No war. We would have only relocated them for their own good to some unwanted, God-forsaken piece of land that no-one wants, anyhow.


they probably made love not war, and thats why we're really

Another contender only for the fact that human evolution is referred to as a "fun underdog story"
Frankly, in a war like this, it seems most likely that the Neanderthals would win seeing as the are larger, more robust, have larger brains, and better technology. Yet somehow Homo sapiens won. A fun underdog story.

and finally:

Through whatever circumstances humans won out in this arrangement leaving Neanderthals and all the other various species in the genus homo (there were several) to gradually become extinct.

You know, because all the other homo species were contemporary to AMH as well!


I'm proud of myself, I made rice and beans and they came out half way decent. I'm so happy that my rice comes out delicious!! Laugh, but I think rice is difficult to make. I simply love cooking, had I realized my fascination in the culinary arts sooner, I might not have gone to a regular university and most certainly a culinary institute. (Although I wonder how I'd feel about cooking when it was my source of income. I'm sure mechanics don't really like their job, even thought hey may love cars.) Though I feel as if my cooking isn't as diversified as I'd like it to be. Nor am I anywhere near my mother's skill...but I'm sure if I cooked enough, I'd get there. And maybe I'd even be able to make more diversified foods, like mix in some of the things Ruthy's introduced me too, with some of my more traditional flavors.

My bebee loves me!

Αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο ένιωσα κατι που πιθανώς δεν θέλω ποτέ να αισθανθώ. Ήταν κάτι που είναι πολύ κοινό για "ανάποδες" κοπέλες σαν εμένα...και ξέρω ό,τι εάν το ακολούθησα, θα ήταν καταστροφή. . . .Άλλα, και στην πραγματικότητα, νομίζω και ξέρω ό,τι την αναζήτηση ενός τέτοιου εφήμερου συναισθήματος είναι λίγο ανησυχητικό...

A Case of the Mondays

I do not feel like being at work at all today. I don't even feel like going to class. I don't even feel like eating the pathetic excuse of food I brought for lunch. But here I am at work, and I'll most likely go to class and I'll eat the food I brought, even though I don't want it. Maybe I'll be motivated within the next 20 minutes to get my lazy ass up to walk to the student center to get a salad from Gerlanda's. Or maybe not, but a nice big coffee will be very delicious and welcomed...or maybe some hot chocolate! YUM!


I took a test and now i know everything about me.

I took a test on facebook and now i totally know who I am....here are my so called strengths and weaknesses:
ENFP Strengths

● Good communication skills

● Very perceptive about people's thought and motives

● Motivational, inspirational; bring out the best in others

● Warmly affectionate and affirming

● Fun to be with - lively sense of humor, dramatic, energetic, optimistic

● Strive for "win-win" situations

● Driven to meet other's needs

● Usually loyal and dedicated

ENFP Weaknesses

● Tendency to be smothering

● Their enthusiasm may lead them to be unrealistic

● Uninterested in dealing with "mundane" matters such as cleaning, paying bills, etc.

● Hold onto bad relationships long after they've turned bad

● Extreme dislike of conflict

● Extreme dislike of criticism

● Don't pay attention to their own needs

● Constant quest for the perfect relationship may make them change relationships frequently

● May become bored easily

● Have difficulty scolding or punishing others

I feel like I mostly have the negative and none of the positive! Ha! Maybe I am hard on myself...or I think that all these tests are so generalized and full of bullshit that none of it is true! :)


Silly Hat

You ever have one of those moments where you realize you're never going to accomplish all the things you hoped you would and then you start flipping out because it seems like what you need to do is like climbing two Everests? That makes you get a knot in your chest and you feel like a complete and utter failure. Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel right now.


It's the Little Things

that just about make my day. This is one of those things.

[16:59] Ruthy:
nope, no she's not
[16:59] Ruthy: fucking liar
[17:01] Ruthy: out
[17:01] Ruthy: ttyl



I've been getting migraines for as long as I can remember. So much easier to deal with when I was a kid. Sure it was excruciating pain, but I wasn't at work! I'd be at home, wrapped in a blanket to keep the light out, my head soaked in some Greek cologne that my grandfather (and I'm sure all old men) wears, with either my mother, my grandmother or any other Greek woman who was present at my side...deflecting the evil eye. Now at 24, I'm at work wondering how I did not bring any of the three bottles of aspirin with me to work and wondering how I'm going to make it till 8:00pm when it feels like my brain is going to seep through my ears and my stomach is going to join in on the revolution. Luckily, Jill had aspirin. Crisis averted!

Whilst perusing the internet at work, I noticed something that would weird me out if I ever became famous. A girl left a comment on a lead singer's myspace page which is all fine and dandy. The freaky part though, she made her name, include his last name and no something common like Smith! And perhaps I'm reading it wrong, the chance does exist that they could indeed have the same last name. For all intensive purposes though, I'll stick with my assumption that they do not and how much that would creep me the fuck out. Fine write Francesca Nakalicious in your diary, on your book covers pretty much anywhere where I can't see it. It would weird me out though to see it in the form of a social website display name and then have you leave me a comment on my page.

And taking this probably in a direction I shouldn't ever have gone but it makes me wonder if all of this social website stuff is demeaning the value of the word "friend." What suddenly constitutes as a friend? If suddenly everyone is now grouped into this one category regardless of degree of relation or acquaintance how does it change the way we interact? Are we becoming too friendly with one another? Are we sharing secrets and acting more casually than we should towards people who for the most part are complete strangers? In doing so, does that make us less polite?

I'll get back to this later and make it more coherent later at home.


Motherfucking Canadia!

I'm a little too excited for Canada. If I weren't as sleepy as I am right now, I'd be bouncing off the walls, but I guess not doing my work and writing a blog about my excitement is almost the same thing...I guess. I'm more excited than a kid in a candy store...a kid in a candy store on Christmas Eve. Why? I'm not entirely sure. It's not some crazy exotic place, it's Canada, America's hat. But I just can't wait to go!!


June Bugs

Καλό Μήνα!

It's been a while since I've posted and I believe a while ago, I promised a review of Ludo live, and a bunch of other stuff, so let me recap what's gone on in the month of June now that it's over!

Spanish Class
With June ending, Spanish I comes to a close my friends! In those four little weeks, I subjected myself to an extra two hours a day of being out of the house and additional time doing homework to learn a language that I'll most likely mix up with the other three that I know :). It was a lot of fun though, it reminded me that I like school, but I also learned that full time work + part time class = the pits! So miserable! I work work work, and then I have to go to class and learn, go home study, sleep and repeat. Granted it could be a far more miserable existence that I lead, but it was rough. I pulled through though and got an A in the class! With July beginning I'll begin Spanish II and we'll see how much I've retained in my week off :).

Fun Time!
I've had tons of it in June. I kicked off the month at RU Gardens with RuthyRebecca and The Drew. I got a bamboo staff, well realistically a piece of bamboo that will sit in my house till I decide to turn it into a staff! That was a lot of fun, I like doing outdoorsish things, so walking around there and hiking was an excellent starter to that sort of stuff!

The first weekend in June, I spent it with RuthyRebecca, Erica and the Drew. On the 6th we saw Ludo live at the Stone Pony. It was a great show! The funny thing about this show is that they were all hanging out maybe 5 feet away from where we were in the bar outside and I kept talking about I should just go up to them right? But I never did, because I'm a shy lil girl and I'd get all star struck and act like a retard. I didn't particularly care for Spill Canvas, nor do I think that they should've been the headliner, but that's just my opinion.

Ludo's performance definitely ranks on my top live performances list. Their sound was great, they had tons of energy, my only complaint was that it was such a short set! Afterwards we went to buy some merchandise. (RuthyRebecca and I will only buy merchandise if we really really really like a band) And we took a picture with Andrew Volpe, the lead singer got a CD and a tshirt signed. I probably look like a complete douche cause I was a lil tipsy. Which in retrospect I probably seemed like a complete tool, but that's not so different from any other day! We left a little into Spill Canvas' set. Took a couple pictures by their van for god knows what reason. Noticed Tim Ferrell, the guitarist outside and after debating whether or not it'd be rude to interrupt his phone call conversation, I put on my best polite little girl voice and Ruthy Rebecca and I went up to him and asked him to sign our goods while Erica and the Drew sat in the car awaiting our return! (I still think it was rude to interrupt him, but after Ruthy Rebecca messaged Ozzie he assured me it wasn't -- and he's a rocker!) Dropped Ruthy Rebecca back at her place, went to the Reo with Erica and Drew where we sat for hours feasting on a various assortment of comestibles and bullshitting the night away!!

That Saturday I also went to Ruthy's family reunion. And what a family reunion it was. This was the reunion to end all reunions! I originally thought it was going to be around the same number of people that were there for her graduation, if not a few more. At most 50 people. I was dead freakin' wrong. There were at least 200 people at the Cacheeries family festival. Tents, live bands, a stage, traditional Peruvian dancers, name tags, absurd amounts of food, a banner welcoming the family, family members from various states and peru itself, families with T-Shirts and even Cacheeries family historian...who traced the family ALL THE WAY BACK to I think the 15th century...and was giving people tours and explaining relations. It was insane.

Sunday was Erica's Graduation Party Round 2. She had a party up in Maine and now back in the Dirty Jersey. I went with my fellow commrades and we rocked out...in Erica's ridiculously hot house. (Her AC decided it didn't want to work on one of the hottest days in the summer) Despite the ridiculous heat, I had a great time. Hung out with Erica and her familia, got fed delicious food, had ridiculously delicious coffee, took pictures! All around an awesome Sunday and great close to the end of the week.

The following weekend, I went to a party at Jeremiah's house. It was actually a good time. I mostly hung out with Ozzie, Abe, Ruthy Rebecca and as usual The Drew. We drank a little, avoided dancing as much as possible. Party broke up, our little group gathered at Ruthy Rebecca's. Bullshitted there and then the night culminated at the Reo.

The following weekend I went Whitewater Rafting with Maria, Jay, Andrew, Tom, Lesia, Joe, Matt and Mindy. Had an AWESOME time. Even though I got a migraine which made me stomach upset and caused me to vomit...my team however (which consisted of Maria,Jay, Andy, Joe, Peter, Paul and myself...in boat 69) were number 1! WOOT! I fell out of the boat twice too, it was great! Definitely worth doing again. Next time I'm brining Cacheeries along for the ride...and will probably pull her out of the boat when I go flying out the same way Maria did to me!

June ended with Holly coming home and our catching up with her. Along with going to see Louis CK at the state theater and buying my bridesmaid's dress for my sister's wedding. Louis CK was EXCELLENT. Hilarious, I don't think I've ever laughed for that long in my entire life. I should have rock hard abs after that show...but sadly I don't. Holly's the same, but now she's fueled with kayaking power. She showed us her Antartica album. I saw lots of snow and rocks. We watched a couple of movies, played a couple of card games, ate some delicious popcorn, did a lot of talking and chop busting. I also spent part of the weekend with Ruthy trying to figure out Montreal and all of that nonsense for next weekend as well as trying to catch Ellisif up to Paeen on WOW. This weekend also was the announcement of Diablo III. Which sparked Andrew to install Diablo II and start playing again. I'm sure when that game finally comes out, I'll surely lose him...but I'm also sure that when that game comes out...Ellisif will fall even farther behind Paeen! (Unless I hit 70 by the time that comes out, but with the expansion looming it's pretty head, I'm sure Danny will be at 80 long before I ever come close to 70!)

That was pretty much June.

Let's see what July has in store:

  • Montreal Trip this weekend!!!!
  • Possibly going to Warped Tour
  • Possibly going to the Tom's River Ice Cream Festival
  • Rock band with the Sac-ettes
  • More bs-ing and hanging out
  • Spanish Part Deux.