

I've been getting migraines for as long as I can remember. So much easier to deal with when I was a kid. Sure it was excruciating pain, but I wasn't at work! I'd be at home, wrapped in a blanket to keep the light out, my head soaked in some Greek cologne that my grandfather (and I'm sure all old men) wears, with either my mother, my grandmother or any other Greek woman who was present at my side...deflecting the evil eye. Now at 24, I'm at work wondering how I did not bring any of the three bottles of aspirin with me to work and wondering how I'm going to make it till 8:00pm when it feels like my brain is going to seep through my ears and my stomach is going to join in on the revolution. Luckily, Jill had aspirin. Crisis averted!

Whilst perusing the internet at work, I noticed something that would weird me out if I ever became famous. A girl left a comment on a lead singer's myspace page which is all fine and dandy. The freaky part though, she made her name, include his last name and no something common like Smith! And perhaps I'm reading it wrong, the chance does exist that they could indeed have the same last name. For all intensive purposes though, I'll stick with my assumption that they do not and how much that would creep me the fuck out. Fine write Francesca Nakalicious in your diary, on your book covers pretty much anywhere where I can't see it. It would weird me out though to see it in the form of a social website display name and then have you leave me a comment on my page.

And taking this probably in a direction I shouldn't ever have gone but it makes me wonder if all of this social website stuff is demeaning the value of the word "friend." What suddenly constitutes as a friend? If suddenly everyone is now grouped into this one category regardless of degree of relation or acquaintance how does it change the way we interact? Are we becoming too friendly with one another? Are we sharing secrets and acting more casually than we should towards people who for the most part are complete strangers? In doing so, does that make us less polite?

I'll get back to this later and make it more coherent later at home.