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I have an alert on Google for neanderthals as well as various other things, and this is what came up today.

I don't know what's funnier, lines like this:

No. No war. We would have only relocated them for their own good to some unwanted, God-forsaken piece of land that no-one wants, anyhow.


they probably made love not war, and thats why we're really

Another contender only for the fact that human evolution is referred to as a "fun underdog story"
Frankly, in a war like this, it seems most likely that the Neanderthals would win seeing as the are larger, more robust, have larger brains, and better technology. Yet somehow Homo sapiens won. A fun underdog story.

and finally:

Through whatever circumstances humans won out in this arrangement leaving Neanderthals and all the other various species in the genus homo (there were several) to gradually become extinct.

You know, because all the other homo species were contemporary to AMH as well!