
I busted my ass today at work. Not literally my ass, but shin got that glory. I work at an office that has a large window in front so we can "interact" with students without having them come directly into our office. When the door is locked in the afternoons, rather than using my key to open the door, I always hop the counter. Simply because I can, and I'm lazy. (Although that takes more effort than simply putting the key in the door.) Some days I hit my shin, other days, I clear it just fine. Today was neither of those days. Today, I bashed my shin directly into the edge of the counter, cutting myself and getting the largest bruise. It hurt so much, I had to limp to my desk, lock up slowly and limp to the bathroom before making my escape to Andrew's car and heading off to Spanish Class. It hurt all the way towards class and even walking to the Student Center post class. Let's hope it doesn't hurt tomorrow.

Speaking of Spanish class, I rocked my oral final. 14.25/15. Not to shabby, considering I really only memorized the oral part today! Huzzah. Came home right well into the Giants Pre-Game against the Detroit Loins. They're not doin' too hot and I must admit, this is the most boring game I've ever watched. Almost as boring as Romania v France....ok, maybe not as much!

Came home made Vodka Sauce...from semi scratch (I used canned tomato sauce) and it's DELICIOUS. I love it when I make something not normal and it comes out great. Ate, took a photo of my food and attempt to document my almost broken tibia (exaggerate much), photoshopped a photo of my food. Wrote a blog, bout to post it, going to clean up the mess I leave when I cook and come home. Eventually all of this will be followed by a shower and an attempt to pick out something almost human to go to work in tomorrow.

Here's my delicious cavatelli and vodka sauce!

(It's off to a third of the photo because Katie says that looks "artistic." I'll take her word for it...I guess. )

This weekend, my plans are few and far in between. Meeting up with Lesia to discuss things tomorrow night, probably going to come back here and attempt studying for my actual final. Then I'll probably hang out with Holly while she comes to visit us. Ruthy and I should think of what we want to do with her.