So...I never got my haircut! See voting brings about no change!! Ha ha ha! It doesnt' help that only 5 people voted. Instead of getting ti cut, I found more there's even more to chose from. I now have over 130 different looks to go through before I decide on a final one....although I think I should just ask my hair dresser. (Even though sometimes tells me you really can't walk in there with 130 pictures and be like PICK ONE!) I have actually narrowed it down to 11 and working my way down. This pretty much means nothing major is going on in my life because I'm worrying about a hairstyle a lil too much! It's been entirely too long since I've cut my hair though and when I did, I wasn't thrilled, usually I'm thrilled when I leave Jenny. This is why I want to be prepared.
Shallow Indecision....
So, because I have nothing better to do with my time and because I like to procrastinate. (That statement itself is a contradiction, I can't procrastinate if I have nothing better to do...or can I?) Also since I'm ridiculously shallow and partly due to my inability to make a decision. I'm asking my faithful audience to vote on my next haircut. Not that the decision will be democratic anyway, ultimately I'll bring in pictures and ask my hairdresser which she thinks is the best. But let me know so I don't go into her with a photo album. Any other suggestions are welcomed. Megansaurus, I expect a prompt reply from YOU!
A reminder
I don't have flash at work and I'm only posting this because Megerrific suggested I watch it. Looking at the title, I completely agree....this is just to remind me!! Now I wonder who will remind me to check my blog!!
Edit: Those kittens were too cute!!! I want a kitty!!!
...are delicious. There's been entirely too much food at my office....since the first day I've worked here. I'm convinced that working with great people and consuming large quantities of treats should have been included in the job description! I'm going to gain so much weight!!
Yesterday was Administrative Professionals Day or whatever Hallmark likes to call it. And my bosses loves me, so I got tulips and taken out to lunch at Rutgers Club. I have to say I've only eaten there twice and excluding my mother's cooking, that has got to be some of the best food I've ever eaten in my life. DELICIOUS!! It beats the $26 Shrimp Ceasar Salad at Brasserie....(actually I think Brasserie had a weak menu, but I was there for lunch so who knows) ! So a big thank you goes out to them, it's nice knowing people appreciate what you do!!
More later.
Ranting Alphabetically
Not giving former students access to old syllabi of classes they've already taken is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Thank goodness my school doesn't do that whole "We need to be contacted by the department in order to send it to you." What nonsense! Granted it may be student's fault for not keeping a copy of their old work, but it's not like a syllabus is some kind of super classified piece of information!! Thanks for making my job that much more difficult university I choose not to name. Not to mention trying to find out who to contact to obtain said syllabus is like looking of think it'd be easy but NOOOOOO on said University's website, but it's not! Thank you!!! It's not bad enough that I decided that while walking to work I need to bathe in my no, now I have to navigate through your shittastic website AND try to find the Holy Grail...all whilst looking at the pope!!! Thanks!! At least I managed to get a cute ass birthday present at the last minute today and I got to eat cake!!
Colbert Live is AMAZING!!! I didn't really think it would be all that great, I was a lil worried that my whole view of the show would change and that he'd just be a complete asshole in real life, but he's not. Aside from waiting in line for what felt like eternity and a day and being searched more thoroughly than going through the gate at JFK, it was actually pretty awesome. Though I must admit, some fans terrify me. They know entirely TOO much about the show. I get it you like it, so do I, but what's the reason behind needing to know EVERYTHING about it. And when I mean everything, I mean even things about the Audience Manager's life!! Does that make you a bigger fan or do you have something to prove? I don't know...creeps me out and makes me glad I'm not famous. But if I ever become famous, I'll delete this blog in an instant and ask Google to get rid of any traces of post-famous Leni from the internet. I guess I'd have to call up Internet Archive and ask them to get rid of it too. I'd be terrified if complete strangers were able to come up with so much trivia about. Maybe I should get rid of this blog..... Back to the show, it was incredible!! They want you to like laugh extra and clap louder...but you really don't have to laugh extra because it was hilarious!! Maria even caught a wriststrong bracelet (the one he was wearing!) And gave it to moi! Picture to follow soon!!
I feel a lil off and usually when I do, I listen to Greek music or read Greek. There's just something about the melody of the language that cheers me up. When I feel really sick, sometimes I'll just mouth Greek...the movement of my lips and tongue when making the sounds sort of soothes me. I also feel that it's a language where you can actually express yourself completely. There is a word for everything, you can capture the exact feeling, the exact thought, you're never really off. I don't get the same feeling from English. I feel that in English I'm always struggling for words. There's never really a word that captures what I'm trying to say and even though my Greek isn't perfect, I know in that language the perfect word exists out there. Lately though my Greek is fading, not having my parents around and not having Greek TV or Greek music as a constant in my house is making it dwindle away. I bought the paper this weekend in attempts to bring it back....I wonder how long it'll take me to get through one article! I also have that book that I bought how long ago and never finished?!
Is always entirely too short! And with that I'm done with this rather boring post for the day!!
Hey It Can Happen
If I ever hit a super lottery jackpot, there are two things I'm definitely doing:
1. I'm going to Fortunoff with a baseball bat and having a field day in the crystal and glass section.
2. I'm buying all the As Seen on TV stuff!!
After all that I'll consider paying off my student loans in full, buying a house, getting a car and living the new money high life!
I Feel Awful Today
Maybe I should keep a blog about all the stupid stuff I hear or in honor of that today's winner is:
"Sex is how guys say 'you're the center of my universe' without having to utter the actual words."
Now mind you, I've run into a lot of stupid today, I watched a bunch of snippets from The View and got a handful of stupid questions thrown my way, but that my friends is what won! Thank you Women's Health for adding to all the stupid of today!
Since it's still early don't be surprised if there's a new winner!!!
I'm Going to Get Soooo Much Flack for This Post
But fuck it I don't care! I do what I want!! It's my blog right? And I can delete comments! :) (Moderating rocks!!)
It's in regards to the following article on CNN. Now I know I'll get called a bigot and racist and any other name in the book by lots of people who know absolutely nothing about me, but part of me feels that it's true. Partly because being who is he dictates his experiences in life and if he weren't how he is now there are an infinite number of possibilities as to who he could've been now. So the statement he wouldn't be where he is because of who he is could also be implied to mean other things than race and actually something important like character! So that's true!
But I feel it's also true in a more negative context because he wouldn't have as much publicity as he does because of what he is. The same holds true for Hilary. She wouldn't get as much publicity if she were Harry. I'm not saying that's the only reason they're popular...but think back to the debates, did Edwards or anyone else who was the cookie cutter type (ok, maybe Kucinich isn't that cookie cutter...think of the Inaugural Ball Dinner? They'd have a Tofutti desert!) get as much air time as those two. I'm not saying that it's the only reason, but the news media love sensationalism because it sells and how sensational is that? You think any one would care if Hilary were Harry Rodham?
And honestly people if you're sick of hearing about that aspect of the election STOP READING/WATCHING the CNN!!! Honestly, how much money have the news agencies made reporting this kind of horseshit?! The media is a business and if you don't buy into this and care about real shit then that's what the media will report on. So if people actually wanted to hear about the reports would focus more on the issues and not so much on what's between someone's legs or what color some one's skin is!
I'm not trying to say the only reason either got to where they are is because of what the color of their skin is or what gender they are. Instead what I'm trying to say is that they get so much airtime and so much public attention because of that. And that can actually be a double edged sword.
The thing is this is something monumental there's a chance where we'll have either the first black president or the first female president. So it sells news, it makes headlines, it gets people excited. At the same time that should be a non-issue, it should be something more like, isn't it about damn time?
Hopefully most voters are smarter than all of this and will pick their candidate based on the person's competence rather than what they are, be it gender, age or color.
Lying's the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off
I was honest...with everyone and it didn't even work! So I'll go back to my hyperboles, strecthing the truth and white lies for the win Alex!!
Read the Fine Print
I'm starting to realize why I gravitate towards assholes. It's not that I hang out with's that I was brought up with them* I don't know any better!!
*this excludes a number of people but not a significant portion of important people in my life. For clarity please ask before jumping to conclusions and making assumptions.
I'll have to find the exact date Andrew and I confirmed our relationship on facebook...this changes the entire dynamic of our relationship now!!! UGH! Although I must say, I do find the people who are like "Omigod we used to meet up face to face" A little ridiculous....have you been out to a bar/club/etc. People still meet up face to face most people don't just sit at home and look for people on myspace or facebook (At least those aren't my experiences). It's just now you also ask people to look you up on facebook and or myspace the same way you'd give someone your phone number and so forth. I wonder why it's ok for older folks to meet people on or eharmony, but got forbid kids go on the facebook!!!
Lunch time is entirely short for me to do anything. It's like right after I finish my lunch, I only have half an hour left. Yet the other 7+ hours I work move before me like a slug.
I differentiate things I've written (on actual paper) from things I type based on the formatting. So the post a few below is actually something I wrote (a couple of drafts of too actually!). Sure, I could've kept it hidden, that's how I normally roll when I bother to handwrite something. But then again, I could keep all of this hidden. I don't necessarily blog about anything of importance or any actual topic other than myself and my daily trite quests of sandwiches, naps and students and occasionally a funny picture for your viewing pleasure. There's no real need for me to blog, I'm not contributing...I'm just clogging the tubes. Yet when I blog, I get a different vibe to my witting because I'm reaching a different audience more importantly a public audience. My journal's not a public person, the only one who will see it is me. It's a hodgepodge. Sloppy words, sloppy wording and bad structure. Any random thought that pops into my head can end up in those pages. My blog is accessible to everyone, so it changes the way I write. I try not to be sloppy, I make efforts to be entertaining and readable and I remain cryptic. Writing in my blog is like writing a letter to my mother describing college life. I keep all the good details out and report back to her on the mediocre events that would make her think I'm still a good kid. My journal is my childhood friend who went to a different gets all the juicy bits. Every now and then though I feel like posting some of that on my blog, just because I like the way it sounds and I feel like sharing. Those are the posts that cause people to react. I can assure you that not one person commented on my peanut butter and jelly sandwich (which never manifested in case you were really wondering, I ended up getting a frozen pizza! YUM!)...but I did get asked who I was referring to in the post below. The truth is, I wasn't referencing anyone or any thing in particular. It was just a comment on how I feel about the beginnings and endings of all sorts or relationships.
Even as I type this, I'm beginning to hate it. I hate that it'll bet misconstrued into something that is shouldn't be. I would hate to be a real writer and then read the critiques of my work, listen to the lecture halls discuss what the symbolism is behind my work and being told I was implying this based on some part of my book. People would state their opinions on what my work meant based solely on inferences and although I could say no it's not wouldn't work that way.
Already this is post is being read into a lil' too deeply. Already it seems like I'm being cryptic when I'm not. I swim in the shallow end friends, keep that in mind!
Part of the reason why I kept my blog with the whole I did this today log was because people were putting meaning into the meaningless things I write. A lot of what I write is meaningless dribble and quaint ideas that pop into my head. I don't mean to sound like a high school rebellious teenager, but I feel so misunderstood...but not because I'm so complex, but I'm much simpler than people think!
Lunch is already over! What nonsense!
I cannot wait to return to my lil' apartment tonight and just lay in bed and read. Nothing is better than passing out after being sleep deprived for three days whilst reading something from AJPA! I'll probably end up with highlighter all over my face! =) Back to the salt mines!
To Game or not to Gayme....
Gaymers is going on tonight in Highland Park (who would've thought Highland Park had a lil Gay Mecca...not I. But you read the Mirror and you learn things!) . I don't know if I'm going to go. And here's my lame reason: Laundry and work. LAME! I'm a gamer...and I just so happen to be a lil' it'd be perfect! But I'm also ridiculously shy and introverted so the whole concept of meeting new people makes me nervous. (Plus I'm not entirely too fond of walking home alone at night..even if I do live in Highland Park) There will be plenty o' opportunities for me to go I I'll go then. Who knows...I won't make up my mind till 7:25 anywho! In which case laziness will win!!
Epic Fails
I just ate shrimp tail...disgusting!
Like:And yesterday, I wanted to make a tuna fish sandwich for dinner. What a great idea I thought, I have rye bread it'll be delicious. the label:
Pure heartache...I'm such a loser. Peanut Butter and Jelly tonight for the safe win for sure!
And I made a picture blog....the epic fails just keep coming!