This offensive image came up on a Facebook ad for an IQ test, with the following question: How many eyes in the above image? Most People get this question wrong. Try to beat today's high score.
It's not offensive because it's a fat asian baby. Those cheeks are in fact quite pinch-able. What's offensive about it is that it made my own eyes melt out of my head and roll down my cheeks. That was after having a starting contest with the damned thing...because it eyes SUCKED me in. Horrible.
Impossible IQ Question
Running: Back at it again and actually going into it as a champ. A fourth grade playground champion, but I'll take my victories when I can. I guess it's different now, I KNOW I can do it. Although yesterday was a different story. Physically I felt like I could do it, but mentally, I just wasn't there and realistically, everything is a mental battle. I lasted through 2.5 reps and then called it quits. I was simply too tired. We'll see how today fares! I still completed my workout when I got home, so I still get a gold star! That's three for this week so far!
Andrew: I never knew Andrew to be a social awareness kinda guy. Not that I ever thought he didn't care, it's just I always felt like his mind was elsewhere...until you have him going on copyright law. The boy loves the copyright debate LOVES it. And he has a very adamant stance on it. I have to admit, I love it. I love the boy's convictions and principles.
This post: Should be much better, but I'm at work and tired and not really in the mood to blog. I'm in the mood to write, (in my journal or on a sheet of paper that will eventually become my journal) but lately writing has done nothing but make me fall asleep.
My goals for this year: Have been sitting flat, with the exception of working out! I need to get back on the good horse and ride my way into my fantastical sunset of awesomeness.
Tis all for now.
Out of all the muscles in my body....
you would think that after a year+ of solid walking 2miles a day, mixed in with a mild running program at some point, my calves would not be what hurts me the most. Though, here I am with such tight calves that merely flexing them brings me pain. It's annoying. Annoying because I don't want it to stop me from running tonight, the same way it stopped me from walking this morning. A run and a bath seem in order for tonight.
I'm super nervous. I have a theory that nothing good ever comes certified mail...and last night we got a notice about getting something certified mail, but no one was home to receive it. This naturally makes my mind spark up ideas of eviction, lay offs, any sort of bad news you can imagine...all in one letter. Blech I hate it. I hate my paranoia.
I'm way too excited for...
- the options of classes I have for the summer.
- the package I'm getting tomorrow.
- the lecture on Australopithecus afarensis tomorrow.
- working on HCA stuff this weekend
- lowering my debt
- getting done with the P files for work on Friday
- dinner at Maria's Saturday
- Street Fighter IV Tournament
and most importantly.......
- Running & working out. A bit too excited about it. Kid on Christmas excited! It's not even the losing weight aspect that has me excited. It's the proving to myself that I can do this and seeing how far my body can go. I feel that if I can commit myself to running and working out, I can do anything else I put my mind to. Why? Because honestly, running sucks. Working out sucks. Being sore sucks. The temptation to sit down and not physically exert myself is too great, but if I can get out of my comfort zone and prove to myself that I can do this, then anything else should be cake. It's a challenge and each day that I do run or work out, is a small victory for me. Sure, I'm not saying oh no, I don't want the hottness that comes with it. I honestly can't wait to see my body morph into what I've always felt it should be, but that's really a secondary reward. The first reward is that feeling of accomplishment and for me, that's the runner's high, that's the workout high. Now that my muscles are sore and when I schlep myself to work because my calves are too sore, it's a reminder of my accomplishment. I feel that all this is a big step in helping me break down the wall between who I am know and who I know I can be. I can't wait till I can run for 16 minutes straight again, I can't wait till I can run for 30 minutes straight, I can't wait till I finish my first race, my first marathon, my first triathlon. I can't wait till I can do pullups again, till I can just be completely fit. Along with getting my PhD, I think that has to be one of my biggest life goals and if I can do that, the first one should definitely be cake. School was always easy for me, this is much more difficult.

If your ex REALLY needed you at 3 am, would you go to his/her house?
What the hell would you need me for at 3am? And I don't think he'd call me anywhos. I don't even know where his house is!
When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
When is the last time I didn't want to punch someone in their face? That would be a better question.
What is the last thing you spent money on?
Coffee, I shouldn't....but I can't help it. And honestly DnD coffee bites.
What was the last thing you cried about?
I cry everytime I think about how awesome I am.
Could you go a day without eating?
I have, I get migraines.
When was the last time you talked to your number 2 in person?
Who the eff is my number two. Erica? Andrew? I dunno.
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a E?
Nope, I don't believe in same Alphabet kissing. Ha ha, kidding! But no I haven't.
Do you smoke weed regularly?
Nope not even irregularly.
Has anyone ever told you they're in love with you?
Yeah, just about everyone I know...because who DOESN'T love me?
Do you believe in true love?
Yeah in a weird messed up sense of the word love.
When was the last time you were disappointed?
Last night. Stupid Steelers.
Are you playing hard to get right now?
Yeah, I like to spice up my 6 year relationship from time to time.
Do you miss your past?
I miss being a kid, but who doesn't?
What are you doing tonight?
Laundry seems appropriate, but who knows if I'll ever actually do that! I'm lazy.
Honestly, if you could go back 5 months and change something would you?
Um...I can't even recall two weeks ago...I can't remember what happened 5 months ago.
Is there anyone who doesn't like you?
Maybe, but only because they probably envy my awesomeness.
Can you drive stick?
Sure, but can I drive it well....nah. Andrew needs to take me out a couple more times so I can be more comfortable with it.
Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?
My pillows, blankets and CharsiCat the Ferocitus.
Has a girl ever seriously punched you?
I have an older sister with fists of mother-effing yes.
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Nope, because I don't really think there's a reason for anything happening.
What are you doing right this second?
Have you fixed friendships with anyone lately?
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
There's a couple of them.
What are you doing tomorrow?
Work and some kind of chore...I have to check my list. Maybe working out.
Have you kissed two people in one night?
Ha! Maybe, probably, yeah.
What do you think about smoking weed?
I don't really mind if people do it, it's just not for me.
How did you wake up this morning?
Alarm and CharsiCat.
Do you believe everything you hear?
No, I only believe everything I read on the internets.
Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward?
I always feel awkward.
Are you taller than 5'5"?
Nah. Cuteness hardly ever comes in sizes that tall.
If you're being extremely quiet, what’s it mean?
A bunch of different things, I don't feel like talking, I'm sick, I have a headache, I'm concentrating, I'm angry....whatever.
Look outside, how's the weather?
I walked to work I remember it being party cloudy and kinda warm.
How do you feel?
I'm tired and sore and I hope I'm not getting the flu.
Do you trust all your friends?
I trust the ones who deserve paranoia permitting.
Did you like anyone last summer?
I like people generally all seasons of the year.
What's one of your favorite colors?
I like darker colors.
In the past week have you felt stupid?
Yeah, but I always feel stupid.
I have to start posting things of's actually become one of my "chores." Ha!