
Getting up and soon over the hill.

Thanks to all the nice people that sent their birthday wishes my way yesterday.

Beto, your word choice was top-notch. It should be an outrage that you're not considered the next Walt Whitman or Robert Frost. Such poetic talent right there.

NatHalie that picture is MS paint skills at its best. People underestimate the power of MS Paint. But not you! I honestly loved the picture! I think it's the coolest thing ever! I can't wait to see you in a dress!!!

Carlos, you didn't put an accent on that word. I'd like to think you're calling me soft and not a jerk off! : P

Ruthy, thanks for leaving large objects in front of the door. I woke up and was like WTF is this for. Then I remembered it was my birthday! Ha! I loved it all. And quite honestly you should've known I would have been satisfied with just the monkey hanger! Stop being too good to me!

Erica, I wish you were here too. Why the hell are you all the way up in north bumble?! Honestly, Maine sucks and do you want to know why....because I'm not there! Ha! I got your card...and I can't wait till you come home so we can diner it up!

Jen, you've known me for three years and you got me down almost as well as the two dorks up there. I think OSLIP is the best thing that happened to me at Rutgers...because that's where we met!

Alex thanks even though I was a dork and didn't say happy birthday to you! I did remember though, I just thought you could read my mind. Apparently, I'm not Psylocke!

Melissa, when Andrew leaves me I'm giving you a call. Know what I'm saying! Ha! Thanks for coming out on Saturday too, even though I was a bit anti social.

Ruby & Kevin - The poster was so cool. I don't think I should really be giving Ruby any credit though. I know it was all Kevin's idea. Ha Ha!

Maria, don't you think my birthday is the coolest day ever. I mean it brought you me! At least that's what I think about your birthday. Thanks for more than just the birthday wishes!

Jay, I know you really picked out the most awesome shoes ever!!!

Andy, you don't even have to wish me a happy birthday because with you I feel like it's always my birthday, I mean you're like one big continuous gift.

Holly, yeah whatever you came down from Rochester and we hung out. Blah blah blah. I really don't care! Ha ha ha! Just kidding!

Raquel, thanks but I'm still going to always think you're older than me. It's the height you know!

Danny, thanks for being the first to wish me a happy birthday. It made me really happy to hear it at 12:05 when I'm sure you wanted to knock the f out.

Dave, you know my birthday isn't even as cool as peanut butter jelly time. Thanks for the remix.

Buff, I can't believe such a sexy guy even talks to me, let alone calls me his friend.

And of course, thanks to my parents. Jen says I should give my mom presents on my birthday, because she did all the work. Thanks for dealing with the Mexican food though I'm sure you hated it. Thanks for giving me a good 22 years of craziness, happiness and love. To my yiayia and pappou who I don't visit enough though they fly miles here just to see me and hear my voice more often, thanks for being more than generous. Trust me, kisses and hugs are more than enough. (They can't even understand that!) Even my aunt got my cell phone and called me all the ways from Greece. I felt so special! I like feelings special!

Thank you!


Capt. Jean-Luc Pikachu said...

I can't even remember my parents' birthdays. ;_;