
We only part to meet again.

And so today begins Ruthy's two month trek through out Peru. She cried when she said goodbye to me. What a silly girl. It's not as if she's moving to Peru and I won't ever see her again. She'll be back before she knows it and the only thing that will have changed is that she'll be skinnier and tanner. As for the rest of us, we'll still be the same. Boring and miserable. Ha!

Next week I start my new job at Rutgers. I'm anxious. I don't like the beginning of anything. I'll be new, I don't really know anyone there, the commute is going to suck until I get a car, but I'm sure it'll be alright. The work will be far better than it was at Citi, but I'm not sure if the people will be the same. I didn't think I'd feel sad when I left on Friday. I thought I'd be excited but I left a little heart broken. Especially when it came time to say goodbye to Beatriz and Eleni and Anna.

I've said a lot of goodbyes in the last month and that kind of stinks. I hate saying goodbye.