
Some Esplainin' To Do

When I first got my blog, I tried to record personal events and emotions in my life. This was yet another addition of a melodramatic self absorbed dribble malady that took over the internet for a period of time. My whining could (but never did or so I hope) be read by thousands of people all across the globe, all were in tuned with my cryptic cattiness, my pining for love and the extent of my procrastination. Lately, I've changed my blogging style. Rarely do I ever post anything about myself. The last few posts, and a blogging style that I prefer to cover from this point on consists of pictures I take with my mobile of either me being silly, or things I simply found interesting.

Why the sudden change? For one, I'm a slacker, it's effortless to snap a button on a camera phone and then text message the image to this site. Second, I actually read other people's blogs and I find the experience to be humbling. I read all of their personal drama and strife and their own perceptions of the world and it makes me realize how meaningless and pointless it all is in the grand scheme of things. (In my mind, the grand scheme of things is something like a Pollock painting, through the eyes of a five year old) I'd rather not bore someone with stories of my own mediocre life or some conceited post about my own greatness and how everyone adores me because I am a terrific person. I'm an ordinary person, with a pretty average life, doing ordinary things, going through trials and tribulations that thousands of others have gone through before me. I'd much rather post a picture of me looking like a fool, or a picture of something silly, or something beautiful, rather than bog people down with my own imagined problems. Time is too short to make such a fuss about things so little. Beautiful moments are fleeting, funny ones hardly last long enough and what it comes down to is that it's all rather insignificant and purposeless.

And now I'll need a really silly picture to make up for this post! Ha ha!

However, if anything interesting happens in the Anthro world that I want to comment on, or some big announcement takes place in my life, I'll most likely post it on here. Have to excuse those instances of course. Which makes me wonder why I haven't posted a picture of my mount!!