you get ridiculously drunk, because you haven't drank in a long time! Jesus Christ...what am I an amateur.
I apologize to the following people:
Ruthy, Carlos, Andrew, Katie, the guy she was with (i don't remember your name guy), Sam.
And I guess a thank you to Carlos for buying the liquor.
Oh, I also ran into Katie and Sam...that's pretty cool. I ran into some other people too, but I rather no have! Ha!
What happens when beer is only a dollar and even then you're not paying.
- Apparently Doug Forrester is blaming Bush for his loss. Claiming that if Bush's appeal ratings were as high as they were months ago, he would have won the election. But then again, isn't it your fault for supporting a baffoon?
- We're all wrong about the war on Iraq. There was no wrong information, and if there was it was Clinton's fault. We need to get over this because it's unfair to the men in women in uniform that are risking their lives for this country. Or so says Bush's advisor.
- France is still in deep shit. But did you really expect other wise?
- Liberia may have it's first woman president That's if all this so called election fraud can get over looked
- Maryland may no longer be a haven for perverts. A new law is trying to get passed that would make it illegal to take photos up women's skirts or down a woman's blouse in public without her permission. Damn!
- I have two term papers due when I come back from Thanksgiving break. How much research have I done? None. So when we take a look at the equation we have
- Eleni + 2 papers + Lazyness^2 - Motivation = FUCKED Did you really expect other wise? Honestly.
- I'm going to a morgue tomorrow to watch my teacher rip apart a human body, for my learninfg and I guess viewing pleasure. I'm both excited and mortified, exortified I guess. We have to sign a release that says we won't vomit, I can't really guarentee that won't happen, but I didn't vomit when Ruthy and I hacked apart a dead deer and that wasn't even "prepared" I think I'll be alright
- The cats are being cats as usual. Charlie consistently licks me, Zoe runs away in fear, and it smells like poop. But what can you do? Actually it's good training for the future, I am no longer a sucker to cuteness. I know the evil that lies behind it.
- Ruthy and I are up to our usual behavior. (Well not THIS usual behavior) Which means we're lazy, we probably aggrivate each other and then we have the best time of our lives. We're a married fuckin' couple, did you expect any different? Honestly! Actually we've been together longer than MOST married people! And we're not even staying together for the kids! Score for us! Ha! Just kidding! I think it's just our dynamic.
- Call it lack of estrogen, too much estrogen, some type of hormonal inbalance. But I've been really depressed, down on myself and generally have a totally apathy towards everything. If you've felt the reprocussions of these emotions, I'm sorry, you're just going to have to deal with it.And if not, oh well, you know where the door is!
- Friday night: Went out to dinner with Beto, Ruthy and Andrew. We went to Fridays. I got a steak! Woot! It was a good steak! Then we went to Liberty Tavern in Fords. We had a couple beers. Watched two older persons make complete fools of themselves and then Beto called it a night. He had work the next day. It was understandable. The three of us went back to the apartment. Ebony called me at some point and invited me to a party. Her offer was tempting, but I wasn't in a partying mood. I feel bad for not going. Shitty/Miguel (I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to call him anymore) came over at 11ish? I think. We watched the Stewie Griffin movie. It was funny. Ruthy, Andrew and I took turns passing out throughout the night while Shitty was awake through everything. I wonder if we all passed out at the same time....he could have had his way with us! After that we watched part of Saving Private Ryan. At some point Shitty's girlfriend called and he left to go pick her up. Andrew and I went to sleep.
- Saturday: Ruthy went to the library at some point. I went to eat breakfast. I went to the library too. We came back together with all these books like we were going to do research. We spent the night doing nothing. Eventually we went to On The Border and ate dinner.
- Sunday: Ruth went home. I went to Andrew's to get my DVD burner and Andrew put together most of his new box. We came back. Met up with Danny and the Vons. Played some bored games. Ruthy came back with gross amounts of groceries. We played more bored games, gave up eventually. Drank a lil and watched Grey's Anatomy. Vons and Danny left. The rest of us went to sleep at some point.
Little Kids are Funny
Look at the drama that engulfs their lives!
Just read a blog and you'll instantly know who is talking smack about who, why and what the smacktalkee has to say about it! It's wonderous!
"Asian bird flu, crocked politics, natural disasters that kill millions. None of that's important to me...I just got smack talked by some bitch!"
Thank you internet for turning this once one-sided or reverberated form of entertainment into the beautiful butterfly of immaturity that is sweetly known as blogging. Who needs tabloids when you can read about regular people's dramatics!
And thank you once more for making people even more conceited and self centered and self absorbed than ever before. After all, this MYspace!
And JLP you fuck everything up for giving a damn in your entries! Stop trying to destroy the internet!
Working on: my homework! (Ha!).
Happy Halloweens Indeeds!
Ahh! Halloween, a magical time full of dress up and candy! And not to be left out the festivities, my roommate and I decided to go gallabanting in our costumes Here we are, in the living room.
We were having fun in our costumes. Some people took theirs too seriously, like Megan here who took Ruth hostage.
Ruby ended up getting stuck in the hallway.
Kim lived out her dream of being prom queen.
Ruthy went back to her country roots.
And Andrew and I were still in freaky costume love.
Eventually we grew tired of our small surroundings and decided that it was time to venture out into the public.
Here we are at the partay, where we had a change in costume.
At the club I got held hostage by an Arab.
And Ruthy had this weird gut checking out her stirrups.
And then Halloween was over, just like that! The fun though, did not stop there. Oh no my friends, it did not stop there!
After Halloween, Ruthy and I continued on our path of being good students, as you can see by our study table.
Then something took over us! I was possed by the spirit of Queen Naki, ruler of the Nutella People from the 9th planet in shalimar, and Ruthy was taken over by Lady Roofies of the Swiffer, so I naturally had to knight her.Then we were taken back to our Ambush roots, and donned complete ghetto attire. This ghettoness continued and continued till what seemd like it would go on for hours.
We sat around dressed like thugs till we figured out what to do.
And then it donned on was time to spark it up!
It didn't take long for the drugs to start having an effect.
Being under the influence caused us to express ourselves even more, and eventually we thought it would be fitting to don on our soon to be work uniforms. Ruthy modeled her look first.And then I soon joined her
Eventually took the bum look too far, we even decided to showcase our future habits. Ruth went off to her future abode.She even took it a step further by showing us her bed.
Her morning habits.
Even her bathroom behaviors!
And me, well I joined in the festivities as well. By formaly introducing myself.
Showing off my money making plans
My sleep habits.
And even my clean underwear.
We ended the night with some angry glares! Even bums don't like the presses!
So what have we learned tonight ladies and gentlemen, well we have learned that a. Ruthy and I make cute thugs
And that we make even cuter bums!
Summer Lovin'
Fuck the week in review. I don't remember the week.
So let me recap my summer for you:
Late May: Moved back home, missed my roomies a bunch. Missed Pell, missed the fact that no one really gave a damn where I was. Missed having people to fuck around with all the time. Started working at Entomology. Got a new piercing. Met Jane Goodall. Freaked out about this time next year. Looked forward to seeing my friends from home. Got my own COH account.
June: Attempted to get a new cat, got rejected by my mom, will accept the fact that I will be an Aunt to Ruth's cat a mr. charlie boots. Played some COH. Hung out at Danny's house either in his room or in front of his fire pit. Tried the fajitas at Jose Tejas. Went bowlin with gmy sister, Jay and Matt and beat my best of 64. Almost got my arm broken by Matt. Didn't feel gay enough to go to Gay Pride. Went to the Portuguese Festival and got trashed. Saw Land of the Dead. I learned I couldn't handle one shot of tequila even though at the Portuguese festival I drank 10x more. Listened to Microsoft Sam read poorly written online porn. Saw Mc Chris and got my shirt signed even though I smelt like a dirty dirty kid because I was dancing during the entire show and never got to go home after work because I got out late. Got my first stuff yer face fish bowl. Got asked to be part of an internet porn site that Danny and Shitty were going to start up and not for my computer knowledge, silly guys...what were they thinking!. Got really trashed. Probably called a lot of people whilst I was drunk.
July: Went to work extremely hung over. Went clubbing for the first time ever and danced like the whore that I'm definitely not. Went bowling, but did not bowl with Danny, Shitty, Rey, Holly, Ruthy, David, Andrew and some other people that the guys knew. Attempted to dance with girls for the first time in my life and failed miserably. Jumped into Danny's pool drunk. Got drunk with Megan and ended up calling everyone I know. Saw my third MC Frontalot show in NYC, this was one was the best! Dyed my hair blond. Actually went on a cheesy date with Andrew where we went to Arcades at sleazeside and he won me a Mario stuffed animal and a monkey (not the one I am pictured with) and we even took those stupid pictures together. Watched my friends get FUCKED up oh that was fun! Went to Rey's House for the first time. Did something I haven't fuckin' done in a loooong time. Went to my first rich person almost as seen in teen movies house party.
August: Went to the Old Bay with Ruthy, Chris and Andrew. Saw Scott there so I didn't have to call him! Did some other stuff. More bowling I think and other stuff. Went to Buff's new apartment.
Ahh I remember something ~ Saturday went to a surprise party for a girl I met once, BUT had an awesome time! It was ruthy's cousin's girlfriend's surprise party. So it was Sol, Laura (his gf), her sister and friend Ebony, Sara (Sol and Abe's sister aka Ruthy's other cousin), Abe, Lil B, Ozzy and Adam, as well as Andrew, and Chris. Ruth got tanked mad early she passed out at like 11:30! Ha! Quotes of the night were "Celebrate" and "Are you ok to drink?"
OH AND ~ the saturday before that I saw Abe's Band The Young and The Beautiful (or as I like to call them Gorgeous and Young or GAY Ha!) play at the Stone Pony. To my amazement they were really good! Not that I doubted their ability to play, but I never really look foward to hearing people I know that are in bands play because I don't want to lie to them and tell them oh you're great. So I'm happy I could be honest and say that was awesome! I even recommended, that they play for Rutgers Battle of the bands so they could get the chance to play at Rutgersfest!
General Trends of this summer: Danny's House, Getting Drunk, Calling people whilst drunk, Acting like an asshole (but that's a yearly thing), Spent Money that I shouldn't have spent.
And that my friends is my summer in review
I move in Saturday, so if you want to come see the new place, or me being anal, or both, give me or Ruth a call. Let us know the deal-y. Shit if you want to help us move so I don't have to be so anal that would be great too!
And now begins the great packing of 2005 which is also the great clean up of 2005 part 2!
My Life with the Bottle.
This got boring.....
So I went blonde. Supposedly, they have more fun!
At first, everything seemed as mundane as it did when I was a brunette. Nothing was out of the ordinary.
And then...I got all crazy! I hooked up with monkeys...for some hot interspecies action! Though I didn't stray far...after all, I have something for our closest relatives!
Then I wanted some plumber I gave Mario a try. He was so good at keeping Toadstool happy...I wanted to see what he could do for me. Turns out he cleans pipes well, and if you give him a mushroom, he get bigger....and I had a shitload of mushrooms!!!
After that, I wanted a new look, so I figured why not botox. Now I'm blonde with sexy full lips!!
And then, the faces started! I was having too much fun....going too crazy! I couldn't control myself!
Until I finally collapsed from my fun frenzy. And that's how I fell asleep. Let me tell you was right, you keep your face like that for too long, it'll stay like that!
I think the dye is getting to me!
Moral of today's story: Do not leave me alone with a camera!
Updates for Jen.
Here's an update for Jen....
Yesterday - Went to some rich person party at Colts Neck. The guy's house was bigger than my entire block. I jumped in his awesome pool with m y roomies and had an awesome time. Really really white people are exactly as they are portrayed in all the movies and tv shows!
Tonight - Went to see MC frontalot in NYC! It was an awesome show! I drank a little! New York is awesome. Atleast certain Bleeker and Bowery. Um, that's about it....writing more takes too much brain power...I cannot type more. Crash Mansion, is an awesome place, I suggest that I and more people I know attend t hat place again! Awesome decor, nice bathrooms, nice bartenders, good music minus the annoying whining bitch because honestly honey I could have done that myself. Shit I'd be even better at it at certain times of the month!
I called scott tonight, I have to get drunk with him sometime, it'd save me minutes, even though I call him at night, and that's free!!! I didn't call you Jen, but I don't want to leave anymore incirminating voicemails! HA! I have to drink more because I have to drink for Lady....this is going to kill liver! Oh well, hopefully they allow stem cell research and I'll have one waiting for me!
Huzzah.......questions commens....all welcome! I am funny when I am drunk....I think? Or embarassing.. which ever.
Week in Review: July 4th
Monday ~ I went down to Andrew's to celebrate the 4th with the only Americanos I know! Sike. But it was the only place that I knew was doing something and I haven't been there in a while, I might as well make my appearance! Did the whole BBQ shtick. Ate, not a lot though. Hung out with Andrew's familia. Eventually we came back up north. I think I hung out with my friends but Monday was a week ago and after reading you will understand why!
Tuesday ~ Went to work, got out of work. Called Rey, had plans of going to the Branch for $1 Yuenglings and $.50 pizza slices with the boys, but the Branch was on vacation! SACRE BLEU! (This just means that this tuesday, that plan will actually work!) We ended up going to Evelyn's with just Rey and we all got tasty, delicious, scrumptious, second to only my mother's gyros! (MMM GYROS! ) Chit-chatted for a bit before formulating a game plan with what we were doing. It was the first time I was ever at Rey's house in Old Bridge. I must say it's rather nice. Met his dad, played some pool. Then we walked around Old Bridge for a bit because we didn't know what to do. Eventually we got hungry again so we drove back to Woodbridge and hit up the Reo. Sadly the only good thing we got were the potato skins. After fattening up we decided that we could just watch Super Troopers at Ruthy's house since Rey had never seen it before and Ruthy and I think it's one of the most hilarious movies ever! We bought it and then David called and asked us if we wanted to go over and hang out at his place. There we hung out and I did something I haven't done in such a long time. Omigod, I was so fucked up! Which apparently everyone loved watching. I guess watching someone start laughing hysterically because everyone is looking at her is funny. Or, the fact that I looked like a stroke victim when I tried to drink out of a plastic cup because I swore that I couldn't feel my lips. What I think won my friends over the most was my ability to keep ranting about the weirdest things one minute, and then the next say something completely unrelated and stupid! Oh it was great. However, I don't think I'll be doing that as often as my friends do. I'll reserve it for special times.
Oh it was also Holly's Birthday, Happy Birthday Holly! Shit, I didn't buy her anything!
Wednesday ~ I stayed in with Andrew. I think we cuddled and stuff. I really don't remember wednesday. It was the 6th and Holly was coming home, so we might have had plans, but they probably didn't go through. Maybe that's the day I decided to cook my death by burger burger, which consisted of two patties, truckloads of cheese and then a nice smothering of cheese to hold it all together. I think I ate mac-n-cheese with it too, so if I get a heart attack soon, you all know why.
Thursday ~ Went out to Stuff Yer Face with Holly. I had two beers (damn straight I kept sober!) Ruthy and Holly split a Fishbowl, Chris had a couple of international beers in order to get closer to his Beer Club Goal of 70. It'll be good when he finishes that, this way he'll know what's good, and I'll just have to ask him instead of finding out! We just hung out and bullshitted, made fun of Holly made fun of everyone. Called it a night a lil early because everyone had work.
Friday ~ Got a call from Shitty because he was returning my call. He asked if I'd like to go bowling with him, Danny and some people from his job. I asked if I could bring my posse (which consisted of Ruthy, Andrew and Holly) It was cool, Holly got all excited and picked up her bowling gear! (Yeah, Holly used to bowl in high school) Got to the Brunswick Zone place thingy. David, Rey, Danny and Shitty were there, as well as Matt and two chicks that I guess were the people from Shitty's job. They were finishing up a game. Rey was eating, I decided that Ruthy, Andrew and I would watch them all bowl and drink beer, unlike everyone else who was playing and drinking beer. So they played three games. Rey joined in eventually, Dave and Matt left, the first two girls left, then two other girls showed up. Ruthy, Andrew and I were like a little cheerleading squad. It was a good time. Everyone downed quite a substantial amount. Then Shitty I believe got the bright idea to go to the breakfast club. So we were all to go get dressed and reconvene at Danny's house in like 20 minutes. Did that, got to Danny's. Had to practically force Danny into going. So we all went. They wouldn't let Rey in because of his sleeveless shirt. We all went in though. Drank some more. Everyone danced. I made my first attempt at dancing with lesbians....failed miserably. So I went back and danced with my lesbian...who isn't really a lesbian....but damn it, Ruthy and I looked hotter dancing then those two girls. I danced with Holly, my half lesbian for real, she eventually ended up dancing with some guys that she didn't know. Danny wasn't dancing. Ruthy and I switched between dancing with Shitty and Andrew. Eventually we forced Danny up and we all danced in a circle together, but like we were at a jewish wedding. We left that place around 3. Got to Danny's house by like 3:30.. Rey, Shitty, Danny and I decided it would be a good idea if we went in the pool. So we stripped down to our undies and jumped in, well Danny went and changed.....but whatever. I don't even remember how I jumped in the pool, word on the street is I jumped the railing. Andrew and I got into a little fight later. (we actually faught before too.) Walked home at like around 5, and as I enter my house, I greet my parents who are sitting at the dining room table enjoying breakfast. Sick fucks! Who the hell wakes up that early! They said goodmorning, I told them goodnight. Andrew and I kept fighting....eventually we made up and slept.
Saturday ~ Went to the mall, spent money that I didn't need to spend. Tried to come up with other plans on what to do other than going to Jenks because I was too lazy to be driven that far. After a day of trying to plan I went to meet up with Ruthy and Buff at Applebees. Watched Buff eat and we talked and hung out. Which pretty much would have been enough right there, because Buff can be very entertaining Followed Ruthy back to Perth Amboy where she dropped off Buff while I took money out for her. Then Andrew drove the three of us to Meg's house around 11:30, it turns out that we were too lazy to think of anything else to do, so we got to Jenk's around 12ish. Went in, got some drinks, danced some, made fun of the Bennys. (Even though we're kinda Bennyish...but we aren't we really made fun of the sluts.) Got another drink, which apparently they made stronger than the last time because the three of us got hammered. Maybe it was because we guzzled it down. Andrew drove us back towards Megan's house and while en route, we decided that now would be a good time to call all of our friends, while we were drunk. It started because I had to call Scott because I always call Scott when I'm drunk! The eventually led to us calling Danny, Shitty, Dave, Jen, and probably other people that I can't even remember. If I woke you up, well I'm sorry! We got to a diner, ate some burgers and zucchini sticks. Acted like complete fools, paid and left.
Sunday ~ Was a more relaxing day. I stayed home, walked to the new remodeled Washington Park with Andrew to watch people skate in the skate park. Walked around a bit. Andrew went home. Maria and Jay came over. I hung out with them. Read a little ate dinner with the familia, which was as it always has been....dinner with the family. Bittersweet I guess describes it best. Met up with Holly, went to Target, met up with Ruthy. Went to Holly's h ouse and chilled with her before she left. Was supposed to go to New Brunswick with Ruthy, Danny and Shitty to get something, but something fell through so we didn't. Went home. played COH and leveled my character! Woot! I level away from a new power, 3 away from super jump! Talked to John, read my book, went to sleep.
Let's see what this week has in store for me!
Shake, shake, shake senora.
Went to Jenk's tonight with Rey, Nat, Shitty and Ruthy for Rey's Birthday. It was fun. I danced my little booty off! Nat has a picture. It probably came out bad...but oh well! It's the memories that count! Ha! And I didn't get as hammered as thursday, because I don't like vomiting anymore, but I so enjoy shaking my derriere and oh, I shake it so well! Ha ha! I really dance like a slut, but the fellas like it! Some strange guy even danced with me, so I told him I was a lesbian, which is still half true! Details later I suppose, my ass is beat!
All In The Name of Science.
I was fucking around with photoshop last night, I did this, very simple. It's just a filter but it looks creepy!
After ward I made some super heros!! Yeah!!!
And now Ruthy is going to kill me! Yeah!!!
This is from a while ago.
To make the images bigger, just double click!
That's all for know kiddos. Night Night.