
Updates for Jen.

Here's an update for Jen....

Yesterday - Went to some rich person party at Colts Neck. The guy's house was bigger than my entire block. I jumped in his awesome pool with m y roomies and had an awesome time. Really really white people are exactly as they are portrayed in all the movies and tv shows!

Tonight - Went to see MC frontalot in NYC! It was an awesome show! I drank a little! New York is awesome. Atleast certain parts....like Bleeker and Bowery. Um, that's about it....writing more takes too much brain power...I cannot type more. Crash Mansion, is an awesome place, I suggest that I and more people I know attend t hat place again! Awesome decor, nice bathrooms, nice bartenders, good music minus the annoying whining bitch because honestly honey I could have done that myself. Shit I'd be even better at it at certain times of the month!

I called scott tonight, I have to get drunk with him sometime, it'd save me minutes, even though I call him at night, and that's free!!! I didn't call you Jen, but I don't want to leave anymore incirminating voicemails! HA! I have to drink more because I have to drink for Lady....this is going to kill liver! Oh well, hopefully they allow stem cell research and I'll have one waiting for me!

Huzzah.......questions commens....all welcome! I am funny when I am drunk....I think? Or embarassing.. which ever.