landed, at 3:14 this afternoon! Now, why might that be anything to note? It happens to be the flight my parents were I'm happy that it landed safely and I got to see and hug my mom and my dad for the first time in 11 months! I've never been that far from them, and not to be able to call them whenever I wanted due to time differences, or constantly wonder what they looked like, this made my week, my month, my year so far! Though, I have to say they looked a little odd, but I don't think I've ever seen them be so...happy and relaxed.
They brought two suitcases and we wouldn't be Greek if both of those suitcases had clothes, so I will share with you part of the bounty my parents brought back with them. I'm so excited, I want to go on the Olympic flight back with them!!

This φλιτζάνι actually belonged to my grandmother, my mom brought it over as a housewarming gift. Everyone needs φλιτζάνια in their place!

This is part of the bountiful feast. I will be eating like a champ!

Lastly, there's a calendar and it has pictures from my island, which is pretty exciting because I haven't seen my island since I was 14. It's been that long and yet I still feel like that's home!
There's plenty more. I got gifts from 'Αννα, my θειά and my mom and dad brought an even grander mess of things. I just rather not blog about it all. I'm extremely excited that they're back. They didn't have to bring any of it, I was just happy to be able to give them both hugs!! This is going to be the best month ever!!