
This bit from The World According to Garp always reminded me of myself.

She may have had a pretty voice but she couldn't complete anything [. . . ] She could say everything beautifully, but --as Garp remarked to Helen, when he was finally exasperated with Alice--she couldn't get to the end of anything. She couldn't thtop
Unlike Alice, Garp was a real writer--not because he wrote more beautifully than she wrote but because he knew that every artist should know: as Garp put it: 'You only grow by coming to the end of something and by beginning something else.' Even if these so called endings and beginnings are illusions.
I always see myself as Alice, I can never thtop*. I never work with the idea of completion in my mind. I always fear that it sets me back.
*I not poking fun of people with lisps, but if you've read the book you'd know that Alice speaks with a lisp, so I'm keeping with the story.