
Fill in the blank.

1. My ex and I talk seldom.
2. Maybe I should study for the GREs.
3. I love cheese and eggs too much and this fast has been killing me.
4. People would say that I’m whatever the hell they want to, people will always say something.
5. I don't understand quantum physics, why my cat likes to paw at water but hates to get wet and certain people.
6. When I wake up in the morning I am usually late and miserable, I hate waking up.
7. I lost my keys, my wallet, my phone, my glasses…but most likely they’re all sitting in front of my face.
8. Life is full of a series of unfortunate events! Ha ha ha!
9. My past is something I don’t really remember. I have bad long-term memory but awesome short term.
10. I get annoyed when people don’t reply to my messages, it’s irritating.
11. Parties are usually in my pants, ha ha! Just kidding
12. I wish I didn’t have to work anymore.
13. Dogs are stupid! Ahahaha!
14. Cats are probably from another planet and will soon take over the Earth.
15. Tomorrow is tiresome Tuesday, which is just a repeat of mundane Monday.
16. There's nothing worse than being caught with your pants down--literally.
17. If I had a million dollars I would buy you a house. I would buy you a house.
18. I'm totally terrified of the dark, zombies and being attacked by zombies in the dark.
19. My spouse doesn’t exist, according to the Census I have an unmarried partner.
20. My life is okie dok.


GàhdölF said...

hahahahaha... that was a relly nice post... and tell so much 'bout u! was fun to read it.